Chapter 4: Consequences and rewards

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I was really torn on this chapter.

But I have a plan in my head, and not making this happen would mean changing the way the main story would go, basically winging the whole thing from here on out. So, I decided to leave it in.

Here's hoping I made the right choice!

Anyway, happy reading.

Until next time, your author, AJ


“Tell me, little bird. Have you forgotten who I am?” She asks, still facing the door the commander just left.

I don't really understand the question, and this is the first time she's actually spoken to me in weeks. Perhaps the fact she's got her back to me somehow emboldens me, and I seem to forget my circumstances for a hot minute, making me feel safer somehow.

“What? Who you are?” Before I can even take in a breath to continue my questioning, I am thrusted into the wall, the exact place the commander was not moments ago, the queen's hands encircling my throat as they did Esme's. My eyes widen in fear, my hand shooting up to scratch at the queen's hand around my throat as my legs kick furiously.

Perhaps the queen was right with her question. Maybe I have forgotten who she is. These weeks, I have become accustomed to the docile queen that refuses to even look at me. I've forgotten the ruthlessly cruel monster that she so clearly is. The woman who killed Sara with no care in the world.

“Did I stutter, blood bag?” For some reason, that one stings. Blood bag?
“Have you forgotten that I am the queen and you, you belong to me. You only breathe because I allow it, you awake each morning because I choose to allow you to live. You eat, drink, and sleep because I so wish you to.” With each word, she pushes me a little harder into the wall. I am thankful for the small mercy of allowing my feet to touch the ground. Well, allowing my tiptoes to touch the ground.

“You dare disrespect me, the Queen? No. I have been far too lenient on you. This changes now. You will no longer be treated as well as you have, and you will be like any other blood bag I have had.” With that, she releases her hold on me as I crumple to the ground, coughing as I take sharp breaths in.

“Esme.” the queen bellows.

“Yes my Queen.” She does not dare glance at me, her eyes fixed on the ground as she addresses the queen, her eyebrows furrowed.

Taking a seat at the end of the bed, the queen addresses Esme. “Bring Lucian to me. He has been harping on about having fun with our new blood bag here. I have yet to entertain the idea, but perhaps that changes now.” She glances at my crumpled form on the floor and continues."Perhaps he can teach her a lesson.”

Esme’s eyes snap up from the ground as her whole demeanour changes. No longer is she slumped over, making herself small, no, now she stands tall, shoulders squared as she stares at the queen with blazing red eyes as she moves to stand in front of me. Catching the change in Esme, the Queen quickly stands.

“That was an order commander. You would do well to keep your emotions in check, I will not tolerate disobedience.”

Esme is unmoving, eyes still blazing red and locked onto the queen, as if to challenge her.

“No. I will not. You are making a mistake, a big mistake. You know who she is.” she says, pointing at me. It's a statement, not a question. I have no idea what they're talking about or who I am? I'm just me, just Eden. “You know what she is? I know you do. You can't do this, I won't let you.”

The queen's eyes flash red as she takes a menacing step forward. As she does, Esme changes her stance, one foot in front of the other to steady herself, ready to defend herself. “You don't want to do this, Rosalind.”

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