Chapter 6: New found connections and resets

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Until next time, your author, AJ


Esme’s POV:

I am so angry at Ros, but I am also grateful that she got Eden when she did.

As Ros leaves us so Eden can get her injuries looked at, I can hear her muttering. “Eden is MY mate, if anyone should be there with her, it's me, I shouldn't be away from her. Stupid human, refusing my help to heal.”

I turn to Eden. “Did you refuse the queen's blood to heal Eden?” I ask gently.

“Don't do that.” She says. She takes in my confused expression and continues. “Before today, you refused to call me by my name because it annoyed me. I could use some annoyance and normality right about now.” She looks so small, so broken. But she refuses to be beaten. The little smile on her face as she looks up at me tells me that.

“Don't tell me what to do, plasma sack. The queen, you refused her blood to heal? No?” I ask.

I watch her wince as Rachel prods at her ribs before she responds.

“I don't need anything from her.”

I understand, I do. But it's stupid. Why suffer more when you can heal quickly?
I mull over my choices here, and i'm pretty sure the one I've landed on will piss Ros off more. All the more reason for me to suggest it, i guess?

“You know, I'm not royalty, and my blood doesn't contain the same healing components as the queen's would. But, if you take some of mine, it will at least make you feel a little more comfortable. Like a strong painkiller if you will.”

“Are you going soft on me, Esme?” She asks, smirking.

I scoff. “The faster you heal, the quicker I get to tease and bully you. I couldn't possibly do that with you injured. It'd be like kicking a puppy. it's bad enough i do it when you're at full strength. You humans are soooo weak.”

“Just because I can hardly breathe doesn't mean I won't verbally beat you down, Esme. Weak, i'll show you weak.” It seems that I successfully wound her up.

“You'll take my blood then?” I ask.

She sighs, looking down at her arm, her clearly broken arm.

“Esme is an old vampire. Her blood will help you greatly. Especially as we’re going to have to reset your wrist. And there's nothing we can do about your ribs. They'll take time to heal. That time will dramatically reduce with the aid of her blood.” I’m surprised at the care I can hear in Rachel's words. She's trying to help the human. I assume it has something to do with her being the queen's mate.

“OK. Will it taste foul?” She asks.

“How rude! I'll have you know that my blood tastes delectable, I've heard it from numerous sources.” I lift her chin so she looks me in the eye. “It won't taste good on the first swallow, but it will be significantly better on the second. I promise.”

Eden nods her head as I take a scalpel from Rachel's bag, running it across my forearm. I lift my arm to her mouth “drink.” She takes one final look at me and then wraps her lips around the cut and drinks.

Eden’s POV:

As I take the first gulp of Esme's blood, my face scrunches up in disgust. I try to pull back only to feel a strong hand on the back of my head, securing me in place. “A little more, it'll taste better, I promise.” Esme coos.
I trust her, nodding my head slightly and gulping my second mouthful. Suddenly, the metallic, coppery, slimy feel and taste of the blood is gone, replaced by a taste I can only describe as sweet. The taste causes me to let out a soft, hum. Wrapping my hands around Esme’s arm, I suck harder on the open wound. My teeth are biting down to help push the blood out faster.

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