Chapter 8: Mate

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Well, that sure took a turn 😱

What do we think Ros has done to poor Eden? Has she actually done something? Intentionally or not?

I guess there's only one way to find out. . .

Happy reading.

Until next time, your author, AJ


Chapter 8:

I gasp as I feel how wet she is. She lets out a low groan at the contact. She removes her hand from guiding mine, allowing me a moment to process and decide what I want to do. Her eyes never leave mine, almost begging me to do something.

I tentatively run my fingers through her folds, fully feeling the moisture that has gathered there, her swollen lips covered in her essence. As I run my fingers through a second time, the heel of my hand bumps her clit as she groans and bucks her hips forward desperately, her eyes fluttering closed momentarily.

When her eyes open, they're not the same. Confusion and worry is etched on her face as she pulls my hand away.

"Little bird, are you there?" She asks.

I look at her face and smile, resting my hands in my lap.

Ros humms, "Can you speak Eden?"

Of course I can, I think. What a stupid question.

"No, out loud Eden, speak out loud."

Huh, I thought I had. As I try to vocalise my response, nothing happens. No words leave my mouth.

"Hmmm, perhaps. . ." She trails off, eyebrows furrowing as she turns away from me. When she turns back, her posture has returned and her face is once again neutral.

"Stand Eden." Shd demands.

No, I don't think I.... Wait, what? Before I can finish my thought I'm standing. A fuzziness begins to cloud my thoughts. It's hard to hold on to thoughts that aren't Ros. What is happening?

"Stand on one foot and twirl."

My thoughts slip further as I happily carry out her demand. Didn't I want to not do that? Did I? But why would I want to defy my mate? Why is there a slight anger bubbling when I think of her? Why could I possibly be angry at my mate?

"Esme!" She shouts. Seconds later, Esme is In front of us.

"Yes my queen."

"Something isn't right with Eden. She's, I don't know. She's content with me? Doing as I ask when I ask it. Have you found anything about human mates that could explain this?" The queen asks, as she takes steps towards Esme and away from me.

I frown, why is she leaving me? Why is she walking towards her? They're very close, too close. They've known each other for hundreds of years, I bet she's fucked her. I bet she likes her more than me.

My thoughts run away from me, anger starting to rise. I stand up and stomp my way towards the two, both of which turn to look at me, intrigued.
I grab Ros' hand and pull her towards me. I know she only moved because she chose to, I do not have the strength to physically move her.

"Mine!" I shout, glaring at Esme as I push Ros behind me. "You can't have her, she's mine!" I reiterate.

Esme looks between a smirking Ros, who is now beside me and me. "You gave her your blood." She says. It wasn't a question, it was a statement... "How much, Ros?" She asks.

"I, uh, I don't know. She drank from my neck."

She turns from the queen to address me. "I do not want your mate Eden, I promise. But we do need to talk, is that alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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