Chapter 7: Unexpected side effects

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Well, this one takes a turn! Sorry for the ending 😘

Happy reading.

Until next time, your author, AJ


The queen's POV:

I snuck back into my room when I hear Eden's heart slow and her breaths even out. It's strange, I can always seem to hear her heartbeat now, no matter where I am in the castle, without even specifically listening for it, I can just hear the rhythmic beating at all times. I found it highly irritating to start with, but now, it's quite soothing, like a small child with a security blanket, I now know that Eden is safe and well, all from the beating of her heart. I can only assume this is a symptom of our mate bond and her. . . Human predicament.

As I stand at the foot of the bed, my heart aches at the sight in front of me. Eden is laying on her front, her arm draped across Esme with her head resting on her chest. It takes everything in me not to throw Esme off of her and take my rightful place on the bed, my chest being used as Eden's pillow. But, I know I can't. Esme is only here because of me. I need to be grateful that she is here, that she's fighting for me. Yes, I heard her little speech, and I am grateful for it, for her.

Esme slowly gets up from under Eden, replacing herself with a pillow. My mate stirs a little, grumbling, but finally accepts the pillow replacement and drifts off back to sleep.

As we exit the bedroom, I close the doors and take a seat on the sofa, Esme beside me.

“How is she?” I ask.

“What do you want me to say, Ros? She's hurting. She's hurting because of you. Physically, she'll heal, mentally? I don't know.”

I sigh. “What do I do to make this right?”

Esme thinks for a second, eyes looking at the top of the door frame in front of us.

“I don't know if you can. She's subdued for now. She's compartmentalised the trauma whilst she's allowed the physical pain to come to the forefront of her mind, to enable her to drown out the rest. When that pain subsides, and my blood clears out of her system, and she finally feels it all. . . . I don't know, Ros.”

She finally looks at me, I can see and feel the pity coming off of her in waves. It's clear to see on her face that she doesn't think Eden will forgive me. She doesn't think she can. My heart sinks at the thought. It must've been clear in my expression, as Esme speaks again.

“Maybe you can start by getting her her own room? Allow her time and space. Only feed from her if she allows it.”

I grimace at the thought. she doesn't know. Of course, she doesn't know, of course she doesn't. She's never had a human mate.
“I don't know if I can do that. This bond.” I drift off, caught in my thoughts until I snap back.
“I can't drink any other blood since I first tasted her blood. Nothing else will do. My body rejects it violently. I've tried.” 

Esme sighs. “That complicates things. Perhaps we can get the doctor back and withdraw her blood daily. Small amounts to keep you going, only until she permits you to feed from her directly?”

“Not feed from her? Drink from a, a bag? Or a cup? Like some sort of old decrepit vampire that is unable to bite anymore? No, I think not. I am the queen, and I will not be humiliated in any way, begging for blood? She will just have to accept that I will be feeding from her.” I run my hand through my hair. “I have always fed from source, I don't see why that should change.”

“You are insufferable.” Rising to her feet, Esme is standing directly in front of me, arms crossed as she stares down at me with her eyebrows raised. “You need to be humbled. Perhaps that girl through there, the girl you have caused so much pain and suffering to, is the one to do so. She isn't just a human, Ros. She's your mate. Show some respect, show her that you do have some humanity, that you aren't the monster she thinks you are. That you aren't the person you have shown her you are. You can't scare her into doing as you please, you know this.”

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