A new beging

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There are many nobles in the kingdom of Restazia , every Continent is ruled by a noble, our duchy is located in the north western part of the kingdom, in winters we have snow and in the summers we always have gentle cool air thanks to the winter beast mountains that mark the border between Restazia and leonia.

I am lilith Garcia, My father is Duke Lukas Garcia and my mother is Duchess Dalia Garcia.
We are the 8th richest Duchy in Restazia, there are only 8 Duchies,7 Marquistates,6 Earls and 5 barons and as everyone knows only one royal family.
Angelina was the daugter of an Earl. Though I believe her father became a Duke after she married the prince once i died, its how it works, if the prince marries a woman from social standings lower than Duke, the family is promoted into this Title for political reasons, this was made law a few hundred years ago when a prince wanted to marry a barons daughter, his father the king saw that the prince and baron girl truly loved one another and thus he made the law, however a royal or noble  are not allowed to love commoners romantically.

Back to the piont, our duchy is the lowest standing ducal household at the moment and i have just the plan, the answer is businesses and yes i mean plural, when i was crown princess i had to undergo training and teachings to be able to oversee all the Royal businesses and mage them as the king would have Political responsibilities, other nobles may invest in businesses but none really own them as the men are swamped with Political work and the ladies focused on social gatherings and such, every day some or other noble household is holding tea parties or gatherings, Angelina always kept me away from those saying it would be embarrassing as im from the lowest ducal family, after how she plotted to have me killed, i strongly believe she lied about everything she always tried to help me with.

Martha came back with a tray of food and my father following after her with a worried expression.
"Sweetheart, whats wrong,martha says you aren't feeling well, it is the winter season, it could be a severe cold or worse"

"Do not fret father, I am fine,may I request to see you in your office after breakfast"

"Of course sweetheart, you probably want a few slips to go shopping with your friend, you said something of the sort yesterday"

"No father, this is for other reasons, but i believe a few of those slips will come in handy for what i have planned today, ill need 10 if you can prepare them"

"Anything for you, ill see you when your ready"

With that my father left, I looked around my room and made notes of everything I wanted to change, Angelina use to go shopoing wih me for furniture and dresses, i let her pick everything as she said she had better fasion sense than me, but looking at everything now, neither the furniture nor dresses suited my tastes, everything was bright pinks with yellows and greens, i had always secretly loved the the darker colors such as crimson and black, this time, my life will be my own, starting with my room, wardrobe and how i spend my time.

After chamging into a horrid pink frilled dress and finishing breakfast i made my way to fathers study. The butler opened the door and i stepped inside and sat down on the chair opposite my father at his desk, patiently waiting for him to finish stamping the slips which i would use today, these slips bear the family code of arms, thus when a purchase is made, these slips are given and an invoice is sent to the family to wich the sigil belongs to, its much easier than carring gold coins with the risk of being robbed.

"So darling, what can i do for you" my father asked.

"I want to start several businesses to help boost the duchys financial influence as well as change my wardrobe and room decorations, ill need father to acompanny me to town because i know the perfect way to do this, we can temporarily house all the people from the slums as well as other homeless from the town, then we renovate pivet ally, we have the funds to do this,  we can use other old buildings in town to create lodging for these people, they can be used to work in these workplaces giving them an income, we can have a dress shop, a weapons smith, a jeweler wich we can suply with the gems from the mines we are just selling to other jewlers at the moment, bakeries and and restaurants that have specail menus for comoners and nobles"

My father sat there looking at me with wide eyes, suddenly a sullen look crossed his face.

"Im sorry darling but i cant manage all those on top of my own personal work, daddy is very sorry"

"You dont understand father, these businesses will only be in your name, i will manage them all, i know its hard work and alot of it, but i can do it, please?"

"Well, if your so sure, i dont see why not, if this all goes well we can finally stick it to the Belgrade Duke who's always talking about how much money he has, just because he's just below the king in financial standing the damn man thinks he's the king himself, when do we leave?"

"We can leave right now father."

Father just said he had to get a few things ready, we went to town by carriage, mother was never really interested in what me and father does,she hated me because i couldn't use my magical abilities,not to mention last time the prince was more important than my family, i drove her away till the piont where she was only interested in her tea parties and gatherings, trying to stay in the noble socail circles.

Once me and father arrived in town the maids and guards that came seperatly started gathering all the homeless people and people from pivet ally, upon hearing that the duke would be turning pivet ally into a chain of stores some people were not happy, but after hearing that all of them would recieve new clothes and food as well as a place to stay during renovation no one had a problem, but upon hearing they would have jobs at these stores to gain income they were overjoyed, some of the men and women even volunteered to help with the workload, my father allowed this promising them a heafty commission for their work. Safe to say everything went well, father then accompanied me to the furniture shop, i got a new bed,dresser as well as a desk, when it came to curtains,pillows, blankets and carpets i chose those with crimson colours as well as black, father said something to his butler and handed him something before took me to a utensil shop to get quils and ink with ledgers and everything i would need, he even got a few bookshelves at the furniture shop, saying i would need them.

When it came to the dress shop i got at least 10 black and cromson dresses, each with a diffrent design,I told father i wanted  to get a few sets of pants with shirts as working in a dress could be uncomfortable, thus 5 pairs of black pants with shirst with 5 pairs of crimson tailcouts alongside some black boots where added, not to mention a few simple gowns which took a lot of convincing,everything would be delivered before we even got home.

Me and father sat down at a fancy diner for some lunch after that.
"Father,if its not to much to ask at this point, i would like to have some sword training, when father signs over the businesses when im 16, ill become a target, better to be safe than sorry righ father"

With this statement he agreed and took me to get a sword and training gear as well. Everything was going the way i wanted it to.

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