The greatest power will be mine

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When i opened my eyes i was in what seemed to be an endless white space, in the middle was the magic apple trea from earlier, before my eyes the tree turned into a woman with pale skin, the green markings still decorating her skin, the pruple leaves turned into long curls.

"You are quite the ambitious young lady Lilith,most would eat a single apple, as most have done before you, yet you decide to strip my tree bare of its fruits and consume at leas 10 apples, though in an unorthodox way, it did the trick, usually your magical abilities would be enhanced, but you only have an affinity for levetation, and with the amount of apples you consumed, you could potentially levitate the universe into oblivion, we don't want that now do we, thats why I've decided that I'll give you a choice,either access to all tipes of magic , i also know your plans to grow a new tree and eat the rest of the apples, so those will just increase your mana, the other option is to become a celestial being, same thing except for the fact that you wont be able to die, so what do you say, i don't give this choice to alot of mortals, but seeing as im the one that brought you back the first time, im not too fond of just killing you now."

I stood there dumb struck, here was from what im gathering, THE QUEEN OF THE GODS, and she's giving me the choice to either be a powerful mortal or basically a new god, I'd say that's a pretty easy choice.

"Thank you for this choice and for giving me a second chance with my life, i choose to become a celestial being my goddess "

"Your smart, you figured out who i was, i can read your thoughts by the way,  unfortunately i wouldn't say god per say, i was playing around with the thought, you like crimson, so you'll be a vampire, the first of your kind, before you ask what a vampire is, you'll be immortal, extremely beautiful,but you have to drink human blood to survive, one of the other gods have this being in their world, im just going to be altering it a bit to suit our agreement."

"Thank you great goddes, although I'd hate to ask, but what do you get out of this, you brought me back once, and now your giving great magical abilities, not that I'm ungrateful, i just have a feeling there's a catch."

The goddess gave me a wicked smile.

"Ah, very smart indeed, you see, i have a problem, a rebellious god to be exact, although now nothing more than a celestial being, but I can't kill him, we Gods can't kill one another, but being the all powerful being that i am, i was able to strip him of his god like powers, but i can't do much more than that, however, with a champion, a chosen, i can, well, you can and the reason i chose you is because he has his own chosen ,  i thought you'd like to help, seeing as you have your own personal vandetta agains them, care to guess who this chosen is, I'll give you a hint, its a girl, one you know very well."

Angelina, it has to be her , but she's the chosen, not the god, who would be using her as the puppet, it can't be James, cause she was using him the last time, who would have enough influence to have her do anything they want, who would gain from this, a champion is like a good servant, you'd want to keep them close and then it hit me, the king, he became very close with her family at some point in my previous life , she always said it was because the queen liked her, but that never made sense because the queen was sometimes hosting gatherings which Angelina never had a clue about but stated she was away with the queen.

I looked up at the goddes to answer but from her smile she had read my mind and i was correct, this was perfect, Angelina and the king, i would ruin them, and along with the king comes James, 3 birds with one stone is already great, but having a the gods aiming that stone for you, that is a pretty sweet deal, immortality and beauty beyond what i have already, why not, what do i have to lose.

"My fair goddess, you have yourself a deal"

She smiled and then i blacked out, i think?

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