where you lie your head

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Once we got home i was about to head up to my room when father told me to follow him, we went into the west wing, the west wing is where the dukes successor would usually stay, father unfortunately did not have a son and had addopted one, in my previous life his name was Lucian, and he arrived when i turned 16, by then he was 18, father had him tutored and trained in private as to not have any distractions, though father left once a week to visit him.

I was horrible to him though, my mother never gave me much attention and when Lucian showed up she doted on him like a mother hen, i was jealous so i made his life miserable, eventually he just ran away, or so i had thought, during my trail i had found out he became a royal advisor for the prince.

But thats a worry for later, it hasn't happened yet. As we arrive at the end of the hallway of the west wing father gets a funny look on his face before speaking "Sweetheart, this was going to be your adopted brothers wing when he arrives after his studies,but instead he'll have your old wing, i thought you might have the need for this space seeing as your going to start your own businesses, I'll do my best to help in any way i can, im proud of you, why don't you go settle in" " yes father thank you" And with that my father left. I took a deep breath and opened the door to my new room, at first i was shocked, it was much bigger than i thought, i expected to find myself in my new bedroom but this was a recieving room, it had a small desk and a few couches lined the walls, all with crimson red pillows , in the middle of the room there was a round table with a few assorted refresments, the walls had expensive looking paintings but they weren't entirely to my taste though, they were colorfull and a stark contrast to the dark theme of the room, at the back was and two sides of the room there were doors, i first went to the one on the right side of the room.

This time it seemed i had found my personal office, bookshelves lined the room walls with n single dark mahogany desk near the back of the room, most of the shelves looked quite empty except for the shelf closest to the desk, there were but only 4 books on its shelves, e stepped closser and indeed it was books on accounting and business, id have these shelves full in no time, there was a safe built into the wall behind my desk, id already thought of a plan to hide that with a portrait, i saw a paper on the desk with the combination and opened it, inside were the deeds for the buildings i was planning on reforming for my own purposes, dad really was trusting me, with these i had full control over the development. I closed the safe and left the room to explore further, i wen back to the recieving room and chose fhe door at the back, this time i found myself in the bedroom, a pitch black wooden canopy bed with rose red bedding was on the left side of the room, there was a balcony with with pitch black curtains I was so enticed by them that I decided to pull back the lint holding the curtains open and instantly the room was enveloped in darkness. I pulled back the curtains and retied the curtains with the lint and continued looking around the room lying the walls will the hogany tables of colorful flowered vases . But in all honesty I had no love for all the color , at some point it seemed like I would have to go back into town to acquire decorations more suited to my taste.
I decided to take a look at the room at the left side next to the bed inside was a bathroom with shelves lining the walls covered in bottles of scented soaps bathing oils and perfumes my step back and decided to look in the room on the right side of the bedroom, inside was an extremely large closet, an entire wall had railings for my ball gowns and common dresses which had given my father a heart attack when I had asked for them because they simply looked like cheap night gowns but where actually normal dresses except rich commoners would usually own them. And I had decided I would have these as work clothing when I was doing work in town at my shops in order to still seem elegant yet feminine as to not stand out too much even though I would much prefer working in a pair of pants and a dress shirt like the males do, which is why I got the dress shirts and pants too for when I was doing paperwork. Another wall of the room was filled with shelves that held accessories ,shoes and gloves all for noble and royal events that another wall of the room was lined with mannequins that I would at a later point dress.

Another wall in the room had shelves line with all sorts of makeups and hair accessories with a big mirror in the middle and in front of this mirror was a extremely comfortable looking chair.

I decided to go back to the receiving room and have some of the refreshments. But as I stepped into the receiving room I was met with 25 maids and servants.

" Your father sent us milady, we are tasked with serving you as well as keeping my ladys west wing clean and presentable"

"Very well I hope you will not disappoint me however our first order of business that I will have for you will be changing your attire I would like to have all my personal servants dressed in a crimson uniform the ladys will have crimson colored maids dresses that will be ankle length while the males will have black pants and tail coats with red shirts, I will speak to my father about ordering these, is there any objections to this?".

" No my lady, as you wish."

With that i put them all to work, i had the maids get to cleaning while i had the male servants remove all the colorfull decorations from my room, i told them to use it to decorate the servants quarters and they were extremely delighted with this, it was the least i could do, because after today, i would make their lives hell getting them into shape of the ideal servants.

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