Pure bloods fledglings

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I opened my eyes and instantly a massive migraine had me groaning out loud, i felt my gums tearing themselves apart, my teeth felt like they were being shatered, every bone in my body broken and my skin felt like it was on fire, i couldn't bare the pain, but once it was over a new torture began, i could hear everything in the mansion and smell everything around me, my ears were ringing and my nose was burning, it took a few minutes but eventually everything went back to semi normal, the migraine  earlier was my mind being flooded with the knowledge of all my new abilities, from vampirism to all magic, i knew how to use my hearing more or less, in the first few minutes i realized that if i calmed down, i stopped hearing everything, now if i focused, i could even hear the maids scuttling about on the other side of the mansion, unfortunately, that was not so easy wih my nose, i could smell how many people where here and i could smell the blood in their bodies, but i also gained the knowledge that the goddess gave me some help with the human blood problem, the fruit from the tree would help me control the cravings, and it seems i could turn others into vampires as well. If i bite someone with the intention of turning them, a toxin will be released and they will fall into a deep slumber for approximately 10 hours, during this time their bodies would go through the transformation, lucky bastards wont feel a thing, not to mention apparently every vampire is reverted or transformed to to their prime physical state but with extreme beauty or masculinity, it varies for each person. So naturally i went to the mirror and damn i was  socked when i ,being only 12 looked like i was 22, i was much taller, my skin was a pale white, my hair looked like black silk running all the way to my lower back, my eyes were no longer the deep blue but a crimson red which seemed to glow every now and again, but most chest was huge, like E size huge, my dress was actually torn from their size, i really liked this dress, i wish it didn't have to be ruined like the rest of them would most likely now be, suddenly my dress mended itself and adjusted to the right size to hug my body in the perfect way, i wonder if my other dresses would do that and to my surprise, i could see the dresses taking new shape in the mirror,when i looked behind me, the dresses all looked a bit bigger, oh this is perfect.

Thanks to some more help from my magic knowledge, i used illusion magic to make myself look like the old 12 year old me, seeing that it worked, i knew exactly what to do next.

I went to my father using vampire speed and bit him as fast as i could, he slumped in his chair behind his desk and i could feel a bond snapping into place, when i turn someone,or someone i turned ,turns someone else, they become basically enslaved to me, they have free thought and choice, but the bond keeps them from any act of Malice against me, they feel the need to serve me and if they somehow try  to act against me, the bond breaks and they die, insurance policy from the goddess herself, she didn't want vampires going rogue and destroying the world themselves.

My next target was my mother, she was already lying down because she had been sick the past few days, when i was finished there, as fast as i could i turned every servant in the mansion.

Next i decided to go to our personal ballroom for the next part of my plan, it would be way to hard to explain everything to everyone one at a time, so once in the ballroom,i used my levitation magic to bring everyone i had turned to the ballroom and creation magic to create floating cots the lay them all on, then there was the thing with blood feeding, so i went to the dungeon and killed one of the prisoners, i took some of his blood in a vail and drank the rest, i instantly felt more powerful.

Next i went back to the ballroom to try my new dupliction magic, i imagined the small vile of blood multiplying into a few, but my imagination ran wild and i pictured enough viles to cover the floor completely and when i opened my eyes, indeed i had made so much i could not see the floor anymore.

But seeing as there was still 9 hours left, i decided to cast a spell on everyone, an illusion spell that they could use to hide their new vampire features, this spell would leave a a crimson rose symbol on their chest like a tattoo, this tattoo also symbolized the bond they all had to me and i made the spell so that if they turned a new vampire, the spell would extend to the new fledglings as well.

This took only 5 min so i went to my hidden garden to test out some other magic.

Once there i imagined the weeds gone and short green grass taking its place and just as I saw it in my mind it happened around me, this was alteration magic, next i imagined thorned vines sprouting from the ground against the walls and covering them and reaching high above the walls creating a cacoonish canopy and just like before it happened, but this was just nature magic. Now to add something else just for practicality, red roses that smelled like blood to vampires that could intoxicate humans just enough to be able to feed. When i opened my eyes the roses around me indeed did smell like blood, so things were working nicely, then i focused on the magical tree in the middle of the garden growing until it was as big as the one i got the seeds and twig from, i just wished i could have an orchard filled with these trees to help control the mansions cravings but unless they were hidden it would not work, it could be to dangerous. The next thing i knew i felt the mana drain from my body and the ground started shaking, looking around I saw a door materialize on the other side of my personal garden and the tree in front of me started growing and apples popping up on its branches, feeling almost no mana in my body i picked a few and ate them quickly, i felt my mana restoring and growing inside me, so with my power back i decided to see whats behind mystery door number one, i instantly understood the reason my mana drained, in front of me was a huge apple tree orchard filled with magic trees all bearing magical fruits. Awesome, problem solved.

But now i had a new problem, i could not completely control my powers , others had to use incantations while if i wasn't careful , a simple thought could become a spell, this could be a problem, but none the less, i decided the mansion needed a little makeover.

I started with the gardens, adding dark flowers, next i made the mansion a dark obsidian colour and enchanted it to be impenetrable and added a barrier around it, keeping people with malicious intent out exept for people i allowed, such as Angelina, i had to keep up appearances until I had a plan after all.

Next i made the mansion floors black marble and made all the doors a beautiful dark red with rose patterns carved into them, i went all out, every room including the servant quarters were made extremely luxurious, even going as far as changing all the servants atire to those my personal servants whore, i altered all our horses to be pitch black steeds , i used my magic to complete the details for my stores and made special enchanted brooches for everyone that allowed us to communicate over even large distances, i reverted the east wing to look like it did when it was mine, for appearance sake for when angelina showed up, i made our stage coaches a dark mahogany that was impenetrable for safe traveling and even filled my book shelves with books on all magic subjects, not to mention books on everything else I'd need to know. I went around the mansion creating useful magic items, the baths could now fill themselves with warm water by using a simple comand , quils that wrote everything you told it to, a magic blood fountain in the kitchen that would never run dry so that we wouldn't have to kill people to feed, self sweeping brooms and self dusting feather dusters, mirrors that could show you any places you wanted to see, recording crystals that saw everything from inside the mansion to around the gardens, self pouring teapots and a few more items.

After a while I felt satisfied. I decided to get some more apples from the orchard and bake them into all tiles of deserts, after all, I still had 6 hours to kill.

It took about 3 hours to bake 700 apples into deserts thanks to the use of magic.

I went outside to the main garden and used my magic to create a obsidian basin on a pedistal, I enchanted it to extract mana from the seeds from the fruit and turn this into mana water rain over the mansion, I mean, what's the worst that could happen, this would ensure the orchard and gardens perfect growth, I placed the seeds inside and dark storm clouds started swirling above the mansion.

Anyone walking past would think that some bad magic or stuff was happening here and in a sense, they'd be right.

With the last 2 hours I to spare i went back to my quarters to change.

After all, I'd love to make the best entrance when my new fledglings woke up.

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