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Rhaenyra was experiencing intense sensations of pain, and her eyes were filled with tears as she pushed to deliver her first child.


"Push, Princess!"

The midwifes were doing their best to help her, but it was still a difficult process. Rhaenyra grit her teeth and clenched her hands tightly, pushing with all her strength to deliver her baby.

"Ahh!"-the Targaryen Princess was in intense pain during her delivery, and her cries of pain echoed throughout the room.

"I can see the head! Come on, Princess! One last push!"

The midwifes worked quickly and diligently, trying to help Rhaenyra throughout the painful process.


Finally, the baby was delivered and the nidwife took away the baby and checked her for any issues.

"Congratulations, my Princess. It's a girl."

"A girl? Healthy?"-Rhaenyra asked as she smiled.

"Yrs, Princess."

The midwife returned the baby to Rhaenyra after cleaning her and checking for any issues.

Rhaenyra's eyes were filled with tears as she held the baby girl in her arms, and she couldn't believe she was a mother. She could feel an overwhelming sense of joy and love for the baby.

"She's beautiful," she said softly, holding the baby tightly against her chest.

Rhaenyra was feeling overwhelmed by the joy of giving birth to her first child, and she was filled with love for her daughter.

"My darling child. I'm so happy to be your mother."-she said softly.

She nuzzled the little girl's head and smelled her sweet scents, feeling like the happiest woman in the world.

Later that day, Laenor Velaryon was standing by Rhaenyra's bedside as she held her newborn daughter in her arms.

She was exhausted and tired from the intense labor, but she was ecstatic to be holding her little girl.

Laenor was smiling at her, and he could see the joy and love she had for this child, as did he.

"What are we going to call her?"-he asked gently and softly.

"I was thinking of... Naella."

"Naella Velaryon. It's a name fit for our future Queen."-Laenor smiled as he looked at the newborn child.

Eleven years after the birth of her daughter, Rhaenyra Targaryen was giving birth to her forth child.

Meanwhile, Naella walked alongside her brothers, Jace and Luke, and Ser Harwin Strong as they approached the Dragonpit.

It was an exciting day for the Velaryon siblings, as they were going to choose an egg for their baby brother or sister, and they were anxiously waiting to see which one would be chosen.

Naella's eyes were filled with wonder and excitement as she watched the Dragonkeepers moving around the cavernous room.

The Dragonkeepers were carefully selecting the eggs that were available for them to choose from.

Jace wanted to choose an egg for their baby brother or sister. But, Naella stopped him and said that Luke should be the one who chooses the egg.

"Jace, wait. I chose the egg for you. And you chose the egg for Luke. Now it's Luke's turn to choose the egg. It's only fair. Let Luke choose, and trust that he will choose wisely."-Ser Harwin looked at Naella with a smile.

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