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Standing on the balcony, Naella took in the view as a gentle breeze blew her hair softly against her face.

As she looked at the sky, her mind wandered back to all the good times she had while living in King's Landing.

The Red Keep was her home for so many years, and it had always been a joy to walk through the corridors where she grew up and made so many good memories.

She remembered all the times she shared with her brothers, aunt and uncles.

As she stood on the balcony, Naella's thoughts were interrupted by the footsteps of someone approaching her.

As she turned around, she saw Prince Aegon Targaryen approaching her, his eyes bright with a smile on his face.

"Hello, uncle."

Aegon had always imagined his little niece as a chubby little girl, and it seemed impossible for her to grow into the beautiful woman before him now.

Her figure had curved into a sleek and elegant shape, showcasing her remarkable beauty.

Her wavy, silver hair had been styled perfectly, framing her face with soft strands and giving her a regal touch.

Not in the million years had Aegon thought she would grow up to be that beautiful. The Prince was enraptured by her beauty and grace, and he couldn't take his eyes off her.

She was like a living sculpture, perfectly sculpted. Aegon couldn't help but stare at her, amazed by her graceful and radiant beauty.

"Nely... you have...grown."-he stuttered.

"That is true, I have. You look different as well. You've grown into a..
decent man."-she said and Aegon coudn't help, but laugh nervously at her comment.

"I have missed you, my favourite niece."-he said softly as he walked over to her.

"So... People talked about seeing a massive black dragon flying around. Yours, I assume?"

"You assumed correct, uncle."

Aegon and Naella decided to walk towards the training yard where she knew her brothers were.

Meanwhile, in the Red Keep's yard, Jace fondly reminisced about their boyhood days training there.

Smaller than I remember."

"It looks exactly the same. Ah, Luke, come on."

They earned glances from the people in the Red Keep's training yard and not the pleasant kind.

"See? I told you this would still be here. And you thought you could swing Criston's morningstar. You almost took your own head off."

"I would have if Nely didn't stop me."-Jace looked at the training weapon.

"What's your problem?"

"Everyone's staring at us."


"No one would question me being heir to Driftmark... if I looked more like Ser Laenor Velaryon than Ser Harwin Strong. "

Luke was more self-conscious of the stares of the courtiers, aware that his resemblance to Harwin Strong rather than Laenor Velaryon undermined his claim to Driftmark.

"It doesn't matter what they think."

Suddenly, the brothers noticed a crowd forming around a sparring match.

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