9. Let's put the end in friends

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“Ivy, what are you doing?” Jack asks as he peeps over her shoulder to see what she's up to. He looks at her face when he doesn't get a response and sees her earbuds in her ears. He sighs.

*She's going to be deaf soon.*

“Hey!! What are you doing?!” She yells at him as he removes her earbuds and places it in its case.

“Girl, I kept calling you for five minutes. Don't put both the earbuds on you dumbass!!”

“Geez..stop sounding like my mother!!!” She smacks him with her book and he cries out in pain as he rubs his head.

“What's up though. Why are you here? I was about to leave.” She asks him as she packs her bag.

“Ummm...about that. I need your help. Really urgent!!” He looks away as he rubs the back of his neck.

She raises her eyebrows at him.

“Jack...you know I'm going to meet Lucas now right? ”

“But can't you see??? I need you!! Is he more important to you than me?” He whines.

Ivy is really suspicious now. Jack has never behaved in this way. He's always supported her crush. What is wrong with him? She also notices him looking really nervous and she could also see sweatdrops forming on his forehead. He's hiding something.

“Okay...what do you need my help for?”

He's quiet as he thinks of a reason to come up with. She sighs.

“I see that you don't really need my help. I'll leave now.” She stands up and is about to turn but he holds her hand.

“Ivy w-wait.” He stands up.

“Is there something wrong Jack? Are you alright?” She asks him in worry as she cups his face. All she could see in his eyes were concern. What was going on?

“Don't go. Please.”

She's really confused now. Why is he begging her? Did something happen?

She thinks about it. His voice sounded really sad. Should she really go?

But Lucas? She was going to meet him now.

But was it right to leave her bestfriend for her crush?

Absolutely not.

She pats his cheek.

“Where should we go?” She smiles.

“Let's head to the cafeteria! I'll get you something.” He smiles as he holds her hand.

“What about me helping you?”

“Let's do that after food. Food comes first.”

She smiles wide as she reaches out to ruffle his hair.

“You have been trained well. I am proud.”

He laughs and swings their hands as they head to the cafeteria, chatting about whatever they wanted to eat. Since college had ended early, they had time.

Ivy suddenly halts, making Jack stop as well. He turns to look at her and sees her gaze fixed on something. He could see the shock in her eyes and immediately follows her gaze.

“Oh shit.”

Whatever Jack was trying to avoid....was happening at the very moment.

Ivy watching Lucas kiss another girl.

She looks away and wipes the tears forming in her eyes. She looks up at Jack and smiles.

“Shall we go order something?”

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