Ch. 3: Margaret White & Prom Tickets

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Note to Readers: Just a reminder to wondering what Izuku is wearing the whole time it's on the top of the screen.

The Bench

Izuku's Pov.

I went to go cool off after dealing with the locker situation. I thought my school abuse was worse but this was very very worse. Everyone is making fun of Carrie because she's different and weird, man what a load of crap.

Then a door opened revealing to Carrie White and she looked upset with a touch of fear. I wonder what's wrong with her.

Hikage: I wonder what's wrong with her?

Banjo: She got bullied, remember?

All-Might: I think he means right now.

Izuku (thoughts): I don't know, I'll find out.

She noticed me with a confused look and I nodded at her.

Izuku: Hey, Carrie.

Carrie: I- Izuku? What are you doing here?

Izuku: Well, I needed to go cool off so I found a bench and here I am just relaxing. What are you doing here?

Carrie: Um... 'cleared her throat'

She said looking shy and I looked at her while I nodded.

Izuku: It's okay. You don't wanna talk about it, I'm just gonna sit down and be silent.

Carrie: No!

Her voice raised but it sounded like she was worried and her eyes widened. I raised an eyebrow.

Izuku: Why?

Carrie: I'm... I-

Izuku: Carrie, we can just sit down, okay? I promise not to bother you, alright?

I smiled and nodded while walking to the beach.

Carrie (muttered): You aren't a bother.

I heard what she said but I played it dumb.

Izuku (smiled): Hmm, Carrie?

Carrie: O-oh Nothing.

Carrie took a deep breath and sat down on the bench. I looked at the two boys who appeared.

They are making fun of Carrie which caused me to glare at them and eyes to glow green. They got scared and ran away. Carrie was confused about the boys running away and others came out when the school bell rang.

Izuku: What's up with them?

Carrie: I... I don't know.

I sigh and shook my head. Then I turned to see a woman coming towards us. She looked at Carrie which causes the shy girl to look in fear and worry.

Izuku (thoughts): Who's she?

All-Might: Your guess is as good as ours.

Hikage: Based on Carrie's reaction, she must be close with her.

Banjo: Or she's another bully.

Nana: She looks a little old to be a bully.

She approached Carrie and she spoke.

Carrie: Hi, Mama.

My eyes widened with a shocked look along with the users.

You're Not A Freak (Izuku x Carrie)Where stories live. Discover now