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Turks and Caicos Islands
Master Villa

Iris woke up early feeling nauseous and she quickly ran to the bathroom to vomit

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Iris woke up early feeling nauseous and she quickly ran to the bathroom to vomit. She didn't remember eating anything bad or feeling sick last night . She tried recalling what happened last night but she couldn't. A frustrated Iris decided to brush her teeth and open different cabinets in the bathroom looking for a pregnancy test and she found some in the bottom cabinet.

"These guys be ready for anything" she whispered to herself. She took one test and sat on the toilet to pee.

"Iris are you ok in there?" Sage asked Iris from the other side of the door

"Yeah I'm fine" iris smiled

"Alright, I'll be downstairs" Sage replied and he left the room

Iris was so anxious,she left the test on the bathroom counter and decided to take a shower in order to join everyone else downstairs.

"Iris, can I come in?" Amori asked as she stood outside iris and Sage's room

"Yeah sure" iris replied to her best friend making Amori come inside and lock the door behind her

"Sage said you were in here for a long time so I came to check up on you" Amori smiled as she sat down on the bed

"I'm alright,I think I had too many drinks last night so I had a runny tummy" Iris smiled nervously

"Alright, you're shaking love" Amori scrunched up her face

"I am? Oh I must feel cold then" Iris laughed

"It's literally 38 degrees outside Iris,is there something you aren't telling me?" Amori questioned Iris and Iris's timer went off and she walked to the bathroom with Amori following her

"Is that a pregnancy test?" Amori asked in shock

"Keep it down,I don't think I'm pregnant,I just wanted to check because of the vomiting I experienced earlier" Iris whispered and she flipped the test around and it showed two lines.

"Your pregnant" Amori gasped and Iris started crying into her arms

"I can't believe it" Iris cried with a smile on her face

"Nxawww I'm going to be an auntie again" Amori screamed

"I have to tell Sage about this,I don't know how he'll handle the news" Iris sighed as she wiped her tears

"Let's go eat, you can tell him after that" Amori smiled warmly and the two best friends headed downstairs to join everybody else.

" Y'all took your time" Asia laughed as she continued eating

"Iris couldn't decide on what to wear" Amori laughed

"Women " Tyrone huffed and Tyrell hit him on the back of his head

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