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"I've had it with you."

It was the morning, as Allison was the only kid awake in the house as her parents were getting ready for work, her other two younger siblings were still asleep, as she came out of her bedroom, she looked left and right down the halls and didn't see either of her parents as she stepped out of her bedroom, she shut the door behind her and continued down the hallway to the staircase and quickly headed down it and toward's the front door, where she went to head out but before she could her father spoke up "whoa, there speedy, I'm driving you to school today." he told her, causing Allison to huff as she took her hand off the doorknob and turned to him.

"I thought I told you, you can't call me speedy anymore." she told him, as her father walked toward's her "yeah, but that was back when I thought I could trust you." he told her, as he grabbed his car keys and when he did, Allison turned away from him "same here." she mumbled, opening the front door and walking out of it as her father followed out with her.

Having made it to school, her father pulled up in front, in which Allison turned to open the door but as she did, her father spoke up "have a good day." he told her, and as he did, Allison forced a smile "I will!" she voiced, opening the door and stepping out of the car and onto the curb, walking toward's the school with everyone else who was heading inside, and as she did, she turned looking through the crowd and watching how her father's car was driving away and once it was fully gone, she turned her to her left and began heading away from the school and out to the football field and over to the bleachers and as she did, she ducked underneath them and found her two friends, Red and Meg sitting underneath them.

"Hey, blondie!" Red voiced looking to her and as she did, Meg hit her in the arm as Red then cleared her throat "I mean Schwarber." she told her, making her voice more monotone, as Meg than smiled at her "didn't expect you to come." she told her, as Allison shook her head "just needed to make my dad believe that I was actually gonna go to school." she shared, taking her book bag off and putting it on the ground in front of them and as she did, she crouched down and unzipped it, and as she did, Meg and Red looked into it, where there was cans of spray paint, a hammer, a carton of eggs and shaving cream "whoa, you brought the mother load." Meg told her, chuckling.

As Allison nodded "yeah, I didn't exactly know what we were taking on this time so I just brought everything." she shared, and when she did, Red nodded "well, we were thinking of taking on the broncho statue in civic center park." she shared and when she did, Meg hummed "and we thought you'd lead the charge." she shared, and when she did, Allison looked up at them in shock "what? But you never wanted me to take the charge." she shared, as Meg huffed "Schwarber!" she voiced, crouching down to her and putting her arm around her "I just..with the times we've gotten caught I've had this feeling that your..slipping away? Going soft?" she asked her.

And when she did, Allison furrowed her brows "soft? I'm..I'm not soft!" she voiced, turning to her face her "then prove it, Schwarber." Meg told her, taking her arm from around her "or else." she told her, shoving her over, as she then stepped away from her and walked over to her stuff, Red looked at her, wanting to help her up but in the end she knew if she did Meg would just yell at her.

Where the three of them had hung out under the bleachers until school was out and then they got up and began heading to the park, although when they got there, Allison furrowed her brows, turning to her left and not seeing Meg next to her anymore as she then turned to right seeing Red still there "where's Meg?" she asked and when she did, Red turned to her "huh?" she asked, but then noticed Meg wasn't there and when she did, she started laughing "oh, I'm sure she just probably just had to go to the bathroom. How about you get started? I mean, Meg did say you have to prove yourself." she told her.

Waiting for a girl like you, Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now