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Chapter three

"Cinderella at the ball."

The one thing about LA, is that they enjoyed their celebrations, especially since now it was October and halloween was coming up and the school was throwing a halloween dance, as Allison sat at the lunch table with Aisha listening to Counselor Blatt's announcement "cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. Now, I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." she shared.

And as she did, Allison furrowed her brows "is she serious? Saying that in front of the entire school? Everyone in this damn room knows who he is." she shared, crossing her arms, Aisha sighed "look, I know you wanna protect him but sometimes he's just gotta figure it out for himself." she shared, as Allison raised her brows "I don't just do it for him! I do it for Demetri! You!" she voiced, as Aisha shook her head "and that's my point! Your always so worried about everyone else that sometimes I think you forget about yourself." she told her, as Allison huffed "it's just easier that way." she mumbled.

"Oh, and one last thing, while we're all looking forward to the halloween dance, let's all make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of sexy nurse, maybe try gender neutral hospital employee." Counselor Blatt shared, and as she did, Allisons' eyes lit up as she looked to Aisha "so did you figure out what you're going as yet this year? Cause my grandma really want's me to wear a dress so we decided on me going as cinderella." she shared "well, I was thinking of going as sodium." Aisha shared, as Allison raised her brows "sodium? Aisha that's not a costume, if I am wearing a dress so are you.." she told her, going back to eating her lunch "no, Ali.." Aisha was telling her, as Allison turned to her "don't you trust me?" she asked her, as Aisha nodded.

And when Friday came around for the halloween dance, Allison walked in wearing a pink dress and a masquerade mask, and as she turned to her right, Aisha wasn't with her as she looked out into the hallway "what are you doing?" she asked her "they're all gonna make fun of me." Aisha told her "they're not even gonna recognize you. And if they make fun of you, I'll kick their butts!" Allison voiced, as Aisha stepped inside, she was wearing a green masquerade mask paired with a green dress, in which Allison then turned around motioning around them at how nobody was looking in their direction "see? Nobody's even paying attention." she told her.

"For now." Aisha told her, as Allison took her hand "let's just go get some punch and snacks and then we dance!" she voiced, as Aisha allowed her to drag her across the room, and over to the punch bowl "move nerds." Aisha told them, as Eli, Demetri and who Allison figured was the new kid were hogging it, Aisha chuckled, as Demetri furrowed his brows "rude." he said, as Allison filled two cups up with punch "hey." the skeleton boy next to her said, as Allison turned to him "hey to you too." she told him "so do you wanna.." the boy was asking her, as Allison turned to Aisha "snacks." she told her, spinning her around and moving her in the direction of the snack table "bye guys." she told Eli and Demetri.

As Miguel huffed, Eli and Demetri looked at him "smooth. I mean that was just Allison and you couldn't even ask her to dance." Demetri shared, as Miguel motioned over to them "she wasn't paying attention. I'll ask her again later." he told him "sure you will." Demetri told him, as Eli chuckled.

Allison and Aisha were soon dancing to the music, as Sam walked up to them "hey." she said, chuckling "hey." Aisha told her, as Allison spun her around "I like your guys costumes." Sam told them "thanks. It was Ali's idea." Aisha shared, as Allison looked to Sam "my grandmother's actually." she shared, looking at Samantha's "what are you a cheerleader or something?" she asked her, making Aisha laugh "I'm..I'm a laker girl." Sam told her, as Allison shook her head "yeah, I don't know what that is!" she voiced, making Aisha laugh even more.

Which Sam was surprised by having been known to be the only person Aisha laughed with, but now she was kind of feeling jealous of how free spirited the two of them were while she just had to follow everything Yasmine and Moon did "hey, Sam, come over. We're gonna go live." Moon shared, as Sam turned to them "get your ass over here." Yasmine told her "one second." Sam told them, as she then turned back to the two "can we all maybe make plans to hang out soon? It's been way too long. And I never properly introduced myself to you Allison." she told them "I'd love that." Aisha told her, as Allison nodded "yeah, sounds cool." she told her "stay sparkly my friends." Sam told them, as she turned around and walked off.

Allison turned looking at Aisha "did we just accept to hangout with a girl who will probably go over there and stab us in the back?" she asked "yeah.." Aisha told her, as Allison shook her head "I need a cupcake." she told her, as she turned heading toward's the snack table, Aisha followed her.

And while they were eating snacks, Allison looked over at the punch table seeing Eli and Demetri standing there with their friend, she dusted her hand off "I'm gonna go ask Eli to dance with me." she said, as Aisha turned to her in shock "what? And leave me here?" she asked her "well all I'm doing is standing here and eating because I'm nervous and I'm tired of it. So I'm gonna go over and ask my best friend to dance with me. Because cinderella is tired of sitting in the corner." Allison shared, as she began walking across the gym and walked around the punch table, grabbing Eli's hand "whoa, whoa, where are you going?" Demetri asked her "I'm dancing with Eli!" Allison voiced, as Eli turned around, he gave a thumbs up to Miguel and Demetri, he then turned around as he began dancing with Allison.

Where not long after that, after that everyone's phones in the room dinged and so did, Allison's as she took her hands off of Eli's shoulders and opened her purse and pulled out her phone and when she did, she clicked the video, where at first a video of Aisha came up of her eating at the table where it said, the buffet table is under attack, but then it changed to Allison dancing with Eli where it said, looks like the princess really is an ogre seeing as her prince seems to be one, where everyone in the entire room was laughing around them "what is it?" Eli asked her "piggy! Piggy!" someone voiced "be careful when the sun comes up she'll turn into a big ugly ogre!" someone voiced, as Allison put her phone back in her purse, and ran out of there after Aisha.

In which Allison had left Aisha take her home, but when she parked in the driveway, Allison got out of the car and ran down the driveway and over to her house, and up the steps, tripping on the dress, she quickly stood back up and opened the door, slamming it behind her, she leaned against it, as her grandma came walking out "Ali? How was the dance sweetheart?" she asked her "awful!" Allison voiced, putting her hands over her face as she started to cry "awful? Allison, what happened, dear?" her grandma asked her "this girl Yasmine embarrassed me and Aisha in front of everyone! And when school comes back on Monday everyone's gonna be calling her piggy! While they call me an ogre! All because I was trying to have my friends have a good time!" Allison voiced "oh, sweetheart." her grandma told her, as she stepped towards her and hugged her.

Waiting for a girl like you, Robby KeeneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora