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Chapter twelve

"Keep pushing, keep moving forward."

Standing in the dojo, Allison was putting her hair up in a ponytail, as Miguel snuck up behind her and put his arms around her, making her jump, as he laughed "don't do that!" Allison voiced, laughing as she elbowed him in the chest "you flinched." Miguel told her, as Allison scoffed "because you came up behind me and scared me of course I'm gonna flinch." she told him, as Miguel chuckled "I'm glad things between us are back to the way they were." he told her, as Allison smiled "me too." she told him, as Miguel leaned down kissing her, Allison kissed him back.

"Ew, please, stop." Aisha told them, making the two pull apart as they laughed "I mean seriously, it's disgustingly cute. But Miguel Hawk wants you." Aisha told him, as Miguel nodded "all right.' he told them, as he walked around Allison and over to Hawk and Bert who were talking to the new recruits, Allison turned around to face them "they're messing with the new guys?" she asked "yeah, I suggested their names be Mary Kate and asshat." Aisha shared, making Allison laugh as she then furrowed her brows "but how does it make sense that after people made fun of us and called us names that we turn back and do the same?" she asked.

And when she did, Aisha furrowed her brows "huh? I didn't think about it like that." she told her, as the two stood there confused, the door to the dojo opened and as the two looked to it and older man walked in, seeming to look over them all, and as he walked further in Miguel walked up to him until Sensei Lawerence walked out as the man walked up to him "remember how I implied that Sensei didn't have any friends?" she asked "yeah." Aisha told her "looks like he does." Allison told her, as the two of them turned around to go find their spots.

Soon everyone did the same as Sensei Lawerence walked up to them "class, we have a visitor. This is Mr Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here." he told them, as Mr Kreese stood in the corner watching them all "Mr Diaz, warm them up." Sensei Lawerence said as he stepped back, Miguel stepped forward and turned to them all and bowed, they all bowed back "fighting positions." Miguel told them as they all got into position "front kick. Yah!" Miguel voiced, as they all threw a front kick "forward strike. Yah!" Miguel voiced, as they all threw a forward strike "side dab. Yah!" Miguel voiced, and as everyone did it, Allison didn't because no matter how many times they did it, she always found it cringe.

As the rest of them laughed "the hell was that?" Sensei Lawerence asked as Miguel turned to him "we were just messing around. We have eleven and a half months till the next all valley." he told him "yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass." Hawk told him, and when he did Allison scoffed "yeah to a guy who's back is turned." she said, and when she did, everyone else in the room oohed, as Hawk turned and glared at her "says the girl who didn't even compete." he told her, and when he did, Allison chuckled "that's because not everyone has to fight for a trophy Hawk." she told him, as Hawk went to step towards her, Allison didn't flinch, as Aisha held her arms out "no, no, stop it, both of you." she told them.

In which Sensei Kreese was smirking while Sensei Lawerence looked at them worried "quiet!" he yelled, as everyone turned to him "five am tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymor. You don't show, then you're off the team." Sensei Lawerence told them as he walked off, he stopped and looked at them all "class dismissed." he said, as Hawk furrowed his brows "well I'm gonna be there." he said, staring down Allison, as Allison smirked "well so will I." she told him, as Aisha huffed, Miguel rolled his eyes because it seemed Hawk and Allison haven't exactly been seeing eye to eye.

The next day, they all showed up, but they weren't doing any karate, but mixing cement as Bert got another package of it, one of the new guys were putting water in as Allison was stirring it, Aisha looked at her with furrowed brows knowing she hadn't exactly been one to get dirty lately "don't add too much water. You wanna make it nice and thick." Sensei Lawerence told them, as he walked off, Allison turned around and looked at Hawk who was glaring at her as he held the package of cement while Miguel was mixing it, Allison then turned back around choosing to ignore him "sensei, why are we mixing cement?" Miguel asked him "no questions. Keep stirring." Sensei Lawerence told them as he walked off.

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