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i know,
things may take a different turn every now and then
but think of yourself as a tree
you had to go through dirt
before you conquer the sun
and even when you're sturdy and strong
there will be storms and hurricanes you never see coming
that is what makes life so sacred
you don't know when you'll be happy
but you want to be
you don't know when you'll be sad
but you must be
life is not about happiness, life is about feeling
so feel
feel as much as you can love

if you ever cry because you don't feel good enough go ahead and cry
cry your heart out
cry yourself a river
and wet the dry lands of despair
there isn't any shame in crying
how else do we see things more clearly?

i will write to you
just like i've been doing for the past life
you will get bored of it eventually

but never enough that makes you ask for more and more and more

i would write on your bedroom wall
as i've already planned
at least when you can't sleep at night
you won't be left with the company of your thoughts

if you fall in love with stars in the night canvas
you don't have to be as beautiful as them because you are already as beautiful as your heart and nothing compares to that

i can't lie
i do believe it's quite selfish of me
to want you so badly it hurts
and i can't lie
maybe it wouldn't be as nice as it was told to have me as your mother
i grew up not knowing what love feels like
whenever i spoke,
i had anxiety caught between my teeth
i've spent nights drunk in my own bottle of sadness
i've torn myself open just to see if i'm alive
and fear has always been my best friend
it is to me what your shadow is to many

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