Life Is Good.

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"See you tomorrow, Eddie" shouted Max.

The weeks had flown by, and Max had settled in. The part-time job allowed her to keep busy, earn some money and, most notably for Max, time to train. Every day after work, Max headed off to the gym. Her training program was going well, and the intensity was increasing. If she wanted to be a champion, she needed to train harder. All she could think of was how lucky she was to have a great friendship and trainer with Lassie.

Max walked the short distance from the shop to the gym. She walked in, and Lassie appeared from out the back, breaking into a smile. He looked right at Max.

"You know what?" he quizzed

"I have no idea what?" Max was puzzled.

"Since you joined my gym, memberships have gone up 100%" he paused and then laughed hard.

Max laughed; it was terrible, but it was good. She loved Lassie's ways and his awful jokes.

"Let's talk about this completion of yours, tell me more. You say it's more than bodybuilding?" asked Lassie.

Max started explaining the All-Star competition games, explaining how they were the pinnacle of fitness & strength. It was several events that pushed you to your absolute limit. Max whipped out her smartphone and showed Lassie a few videos.

"Okay, I like it. Like circuit training, I guess" You could see that Lassie was thinking about the training plan by the faces and deep, thoughtful pauses that followed while watching the clips.

"We will increase your training, and I'll be something new. I use a system I developed to help stamina and build muscle you didn't know you even had! When I trained Scott Barry, who won Captain Olympia,..five times, did I mention that? Five times! You know what gave home the edge?" asked Lassie

"No, I don't know..." replied Max. This happened before she was even born.

"We trained using my program, incorporating training outside with different shapes, not just weights. Awkward weights, different shapes."

"What do you mean," asked Max, quite intrigued.

"Let me show you these photos", Lassie showed Max. It was some black-and-white images of Scott Barry lifting some guy, then a photo of him giving him a piggyback and running with him, pushing a tree over and lifting rocks. Lassie explained how his system incorporates muscles that regular weight lifting doesn't touch. It was Lassie's secret!

"I call it....lifting real shit.... Lifting heavy, awkward things builds more muscles...and strength. We are returning to hunter-gatherers. It's nature's gym," said Lassie.

"You ever lifted rocks ...or pushed over a tree?"

Max laughed ""

"I'm serious. I'll have you pushing a tree over before you realise, and not a dead one, either! In fact...get changed. Let's get to it," barked Lassie.

Max thought Lassie was crazy or something. But she got dressed in her gym gear as requested.

They walked out of the gym and headed for the woods across the road from the gym. Lassie instructed Max to go up to a tree. Then, to visualise she was pushing the tree over, she went up to the tree. Max was a little apprehensive.

"Now, palms on the trunk & push" instructed Lassie.

Max felt silly. But this guy had trained Scott Barry five times, so he must know what he was talking about. Max pushed against the mighty tree.

"Push" encouraged Lassie

Max pushed with all her might, but nothing happened apart from a couple of leaves falling and an old branch falling off and just missing her. Apart from that, it didn't move!

Lassie interrupted. You are pushing the wrong way. Here, let me show you. Lsssie went up to the tree, facing it. He put his hands on it and made it like this. There was a slight cracking noise...

"Did you hear that?" asked Lassie

"I did, but you are bigger & stronger than me."

Lassie stopped. He turned to Max.

"You are stronger than you believe. Look at what you have already overcome to build your physique to this level. The negativity, the hate, the disapproval, you shouldn't, the women don't, the women can't, " Lassie was passionate. He knew that views were changing, but it was tough for the women. He believed. And it was their time.

"Once you learn to channel that into your training, you will be unbeatable!" Lassie said this with such conviction.

Max listened intently to Lassie's words; he sure was a good motivator, but she still thought there was no way she could ever push over a tree unless it were dead or very tiny. Lassie started to jog, instructing Max to follow him. They went from the fringe of the woods to deeper inside.

They jogged past an old Shepard stone-built hut, passed some dumped cars near the river, and stood on rocks on the other side. Lassie loved it. He was in his late 50s, possibly early 60s, but was still amazingly built and fit. However, he had lost his hair but still looked handsome. Max had never trained like this before; it was new to her.

"I love the fresh air. You don't get this in an air-conditioned gym," said Lassie as he was taking in the air in a giant breath!

Max was a little out of breath. They started their jog back towards the gym. It was beginning to get dark when they reached the gym. Lassie bid farewell, and Max left, inspired but still confused with the raw training program.

Max started her walk home. The day had gone well, and she was so much happier. Happy, she loved her job and training was going well. Max was building muscle fast. She put on her headphones and didn't have a card.
She took a shortcut down an alley while walking home. As she got about mid-way down, she saw a woman standing by a back gate looking a little distressed and panicked.

Max slipped her headphones down...

"Are you okay?" asked Max

The older woman turned and spoke to Max. She explained that she had lost her key, and although she had a spare key hidden under a pot at the back of the house, her back gate had jammed. Due to the recent winds and lousy weather, the gate had slammed, bending the catch. Now, the gate was stuck fast.

"I'll take a look," said Max

Max had a look. The gate was metal, and the catch to the gate appeared to be some iron fixture. Max had never bent anything before, but she had some doubt in her mind; sure, she was strong, but how hard could it be? Max put down her gym bag and went closer to the gate. Her powerful shoulders and muscular back almost matched the width of the gate. Max placed one hand on the iron latch, and her other hand grabbed the tubular gate frame to act like a lever. Max's grip tightened, and her forearm and bicep tensed. She loved it when her bicep pushed against the fabric of her clothing like it threatened to break out of the fabric; it made her feel powerful. Nothing happened at first. Max added a bit of leg power as extra leverage, and there was a slight creaking noise as the catch began to move. The latch could no longer resist as Max's strength repositioned and straightened the latch. Her other hand pushed the slightly bent gate frame. The metal tubular gate post started straightening as Max's powerful arm pulled it back into shape. She held her breath, and with one more pull from her powerful arm, the gate post folded back. Max had a huge smile on her face and turned to the older woman.

"My, you are strong," said the woman, pleased she could now get into her home.

"Thanks, I go to the gym. Glad I could help " Max was a little embarrassed and quickly picked up her gym bag.

"I wish I had your muscles. I loved doing gym when I was in the Navy all those years ago," said the friendly old woman. She reached for her purse, but Max refused cash for her good deed. It was nice for someone to notice and remind Max it was all generations that weight lifting and muscles appealed to. She was also very excited that her muscles and strength could do more than lift. Max loved seeing her strength out of the gym, the feel of her muscles overcoming steel. She felt like a superhero.

"Oh, thank you so much, young lady," said the old woman

"It's my pleasure, and I like to help."

Max continued on her way home, smiling nearly all the way. She was so happy with how she looked, feeling so strong, and her training was going well. Life was great.

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