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"Hey Max, pass me the ketchup?" Said Lassie.

Max reached over and passed the ketchup to Lassie.

"What a lovely day to have a picnic." Said Lassie.

"Hey, why are we on a hospital bed? And who are those two walking over?"Asked Max

"They're doctors, Max." Replied Lassie.

"They don't look like Doctors to me!" Max was getting worried.

She could hear voices and a heart monitor making an increasing beeping sound.

"Do you hear that?" She looked over at Lassie and then towards the sky, trying to locate where the voice was coming from. She glanced over at Lassie,

"What are you doing?" Asked Max, confused.

Lassie was putting ketchup on his chest, legs and head. The men were getting nearer. Max could see they had guns by their sides. She tried to call out but felt a sharp pain.

We got her said a voice. She is starting to stabilise. The rest of the conversation was incoherent. Max guessed that she had some potent meds flowing through her. She tried to open her eyes, but they were taped shut. Max was confused and began to panic. Her hands grabbed the side railings of the bed she was in, and she started convulsing. Her hands pulled on the side railings, her powerful arm bending the bars upwards. Max then heard a calming voice.

"Max, it's Rob. You are in hospital. Stay calm, Max. I'm here for you."

Her hands let go of the railings, and she relaxed.

"Can we remove some of this stuff? That's why she is freaked out." Asked Rob.

"I'll go and get the doctor." Said the Nurse.

As they walked out, Rob could hear them talking about Max's muscles and how she bent the steel bars at the side of the bed.

"I can hear you. That's my sister. Now go and get the Doctor and keep your thoughts to yourself. Have some respect," said Rob, slightly annoyed.

He calmed down and lowered his voice. He was protective of his sister.

"Where am I?" Asked Max.

You're in the city hospital, Max. There was an accident. Said Rob cautiously.

What kind of accident? Have I still got all of my limbs?

"Max, you were shot in the shoulder. They don't think there will be any lasting damage. It missed everything." replied Rob

Suddenly, it came back to Max. She remembered what had happened. The picnic was a dream.

"Lassie? Where is he? Is he ok?" Asked Max, desperately wanting to know

"Just concentrate on getting"...Max interrupted Rob.

"Tell me." She wanted to know.

"He's dead, Max. Lassie was shot by the same guys who shot you. The cops think you disturbed the robbery."

Max was silent.

"You ok? I thought you'd prefer it straight." Said Rob, worrying that he had been too blunt with the news.

"It wasn't a robbery. They were looking for something," replied Max.

The doctor walked in and spoke with Rob. Max remained quiet. He proceeded to talk to Rob whilst the nurse removed various tubes and the tape from her eyes. It took her a short while to adjust to the light. She looked at Rob, who was talking to the doctor still. She glanced around the room and saw a TV; the tic-a-tape mentioned one dead in gym roids shooting-gunmen still loose. Max couldn't believe what was going on. Was this still another med-induced dream, she wondered? Rob came over.

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