The Fake Town.

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"Good morning, Max", greeted a cheerful Professor Woods.

"Morning." Replied Max

"How are you?" he asked.

"A little apprehensive", replied Max. She was not giving too much away.

"So, Max, what we will do today is assess you to see how well the nanotechnology is settling in with you. We know how good your numbers are in the gym, so we'd like to give you a different test!" explained the Professor.

"What do you mean?" Questioned Max

"Well, lifting heavy in the gym is great, and you are more than capable....without nano assistance of outlifting most of the people who go in there! I, we, Langer, the agency, need to see you out in the field. We have set up a scenario for you." Explained the Professor.

"Bring it on. I feel good." Max was ready for the challenge.

Langer wanted a word before the technician would continue to brief Max;

"Welcome, Max, to the C.S.A. training town. It's a mock-up of a real town, a mixed-testing environment. I want to see what you and the Nano's can do. Don't worry about a thing, and you can do whatever you need to do, Max." Langer passed Max over to the tech.

Hi Max, whilst you can punch through walls and the nanotechnology reinforces your bones, your skin can still be cut open. To protect yourself, please wear these gloves." the tech connected various sensors to Max's clothing.

The look on Max's face spoke volumes.

"Okay, no gloves." agreed the tech.

"I'll try my luck." Max smiled.

Max was driven the short distance from Operations control to the mock town. All of the people were C.S.A. agents. All of them playing different independent roles for it to be hyper-realistic. Max was given a simple brief. Follow the suspect and then intercept the handover.

Langer spoke again as Max was nearing the beginning of her test.

"Max, I want you to go for it. There's nothing here that can't be rebuilt."

He added something a little disturbing;

"Just don't hurt anyone too much. Broken bones are ok, but no fatalities." he wasn't joking.

"Are you serious? Max was taken aback about Langer's comment- breaking bones, let alone fatalities?? Was he a sadist? Crazy? And as for rebuilding? What do they think I am capable of?" She asked herself. Max was starting to feel a little apprehensive and concerned.

The tech finalised his brief for Max;

"Anytime you hear the claxon sound, the exercise must stop immediately; await further instructions. Max, as soon as you walk onto the street, it will be like a real mission. Ops control is in your ear. Good luck, Max," the tech walked off, leaving Max.

Max took a deep breath and walked down towards the street. She was wearing gym clothes with various sensors built into the clothing. It certainly didn't make Max feel like an undercover agent, more like she was doing CrossFit.

Max walked onto the street and took a deep breath. The exercise started. The C.S.A. training facility was like a small town. Cars were moving; people were scurrying about; dogs were roaming; rubbish was on the streets; deliveries were taking place; even cop cars were driving past. Everything was hyper-realistic. Max was instructed to proceed. She walked a few steps and received the description of the suspect.

The suspect is a 5ft 6 white Male with black hair, wearing a green jacket, blue jeans and white trainers. Max walked along the street, looking around and scanning for the suspect. Amongst the hustle and bustle of the fake C.S.A. town, over the street, Max spotted someone matching the description of the suspect. Max crossed the street and started to follow the suspect. He turned around and clocked Max. The suspect began to run off away from Max down a service road. Max gave chase, following him turning into the service road. Max was behind, but not that far behind, but when she entered the service road, there was no sight of him. Max, eager to show how good she was, turned back and ran into the main street. He had disappeared. Max walked back to the service road. She looked despondent.

The Max Effect. 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon