I Knew You Would.

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Langer decided he would wait until the final minutes of his twelve-hour reckoning before going to see Max. Everything was going well, Max was recovering well, and the nanotechnology was responding as planned. Langer had no doubts that Max would agree to join the C.S.A. and keep the nanotechnology switched on. What choice did Max have?

He was the youngest Director in the history of the C.S.A. A follower of fashion wearing the latest and sharpest suits, he had styled smart grey hair but was still in his forties. He was known for getting results, but his past was secretive. No one knew his background. Langer looked at his watch, it was time to speak with Max.

"Good Morning Max," said Langer as he entered the room.

Max still looked upset.

"Max, I'm offering you another shot in life. Not many people get that. You'll be free to do what you want in between cases. We will arrange everything for you. You'll have endless, well, almost endless resources. Max, I'm looking at you coming into the agency as my right hand. You'll be high up, not like a standard field agent." Langer thought he was doing an excellent job of selling it to Max.

Max looked at Langer.

"I don't have much choice, do I ?" she was still angry.

"Considering you went to that address off-duty, with a police firearm taken without permission, accessing files that cleared to look at, and the fact that if my SWAT team hadn't taken action, I think the town police would be finding your body wash up-sometime In the next four months. If at all," he added.

"Max, no one knew where you were! You are tough and nearly dealt with three scumbags yourself without any help. Sometimes luck runs out." Langer was now standing over her bed.

"We use the best technology to solve the most serious organised crime. We utilise the best Max. That's why I want you "Langer's tone was softer.

"I'm not even a detective. How could I be an agent?" questioned Max.

"Max, you discovered more than the task force assigned to these cash slams. I like your no-nonsense approach. I like your style," reassured Langer.

"And why are there no male supercops? Max raised a good point.

"You'll have to speak with the Professor about that. It's all science. But in short, the drug reacts badly with male DNA," Langer explained the best he could.

"We needed muscle tone. Sure, other female cops work out, but we needed a combination of your level of physique and your natural strength, and the bonus is your irrepressible style of law enforcement makes you perfect. You'll be the only one, Max—the only one in the world. No one knows about this technology, not even the government. It's just me, Woods," Langer chuckled.

"Langer & Woods, we sound like a solicitors! Langer laughed at his joke.

Max smiled slightly.

"Max. I had to save your life. You were near death. I took a risk. I'm sorry about that" Langer was being sincere.

"So, how strong will I be? I'm pretty strong already," enquired Max

"Off the chart Max," said Langer

"You'll be trained for around ten weeks. We aren't sure of the limits yet" Langer turned and moved away from Max, turning his back to her.

"Wait. This isn't tested? I'm a fucking lab rat?" Max was getting angry.

"Max was not brutal. I can't experiment on humans" Langer set himself up for a trap.

"So it's okay if I explode as I was going to die anyway, fuck you! Turn them off. I'd rather die than explode" Max was now getting very angry.

She ripped out her tubes and sensors and headed for Langer. He backed away but was on the other side of the room, his exit cut off. Max walked over in her hospital gown. She grabbed Langer by the throat and pushed him into the wall so hard the drywall cracked. Her grip tightened around his neck. He struggled to catch his breath. The veins in Max's arm stood out like roots of power, and her forearm tensed. Her muscles flexed and expanded as she lifted him off the floor. He was on tiptoes, and her grip was getting tighter.

The Max Effect. 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora