Alfea College for Fairies

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Wizgiz: Good morning, everyone! As usual, it befalls me to kick off the school year. Now, for those of you who haven't met me yet, I am Professor Wizgiz, your teacher of metamorphosis, or as I prefer to call it... the art of changing...

*Wizgiz pulls the side of his mouth which snaps back in place, then suddenly transforms into Griselda*

Wizgiz: ...The way you look!

*Students gasp in shock, then applaud.*

Wizgiz: *in a combined voice of his and Griselda's* Oh, but that's nothing! By year's end, you'll do better than that!

*Wizgiz reverts and speaks in a normal tone*

Wizgiz: And since every ending must have a beginning, let us start with a simple exercise.

*Wizgiz materializes hand mirrors to everyone*

Wizgiz: Concentrate. Look in the mirror, look at yourself, and think about changing the color of your hair.

Artemis: Black with blue highlights.

*Artemis's hair changes colors*

*Bloom attempts but fails.*

Wizgiz: Don't worry, Bloom. If at first you don't succeed, try again!

*Bloom gives a weak smile at Wizgiz's encouragement.*

*Artemis puts her hand on Bloom's shoulder and smiles*


Winx's Dorm

Bloom: Let's try again, okay?

Stella: All right, one last time and that's it. School's just beginning. You don't get it today, it's not the end of the world.

Bloom: Where I come from, there's a saying: "Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today".

Stella: Where I come from, we have no such expression, and we're all much more relaxed.

Bloom: Stella, please?

Stella: Ugh... all right, but remember, concentrate! Think of a color, and imagine your hair starting to change. New color slowly spreading from the root to the tip of your hair...

*Bloom concentrates, but winds up making her bangs stick upwards*

Bloom: Great! See what I end up with?

Stella: Bloom! You're not paying attention! You're not concentrating enough!

Flora: Well, at least something happened, and that's progress!

*Stella starts to laugh her but off and falls on the bed next to Bloom*

*Artemis bumps Stella's arm*

Flora: Oh, stop laughing...

*Flora walks over and sits next to Bloom. Stella sits up after finally calming down*

Bloom: Why should she? Look at this, I'm ridiculous!

Flora: That's not true, all you need is a bit of practice.

Artemis: Practice makes perfect.

*Bloom shakes her hair back to normal*

Bloom: No, I've never had such a rough day.

Stella: The first day is always like that.

Bloom: Girls, can I ask you something?

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