Chapter 11

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A/N: The story is getting good! The climax is coming soon!!!! Let me know if anyone of you guys thinks I should change anything. 

I got home around three pm. It usually takes around thirty minutes to get my house to the hospital, and vice versa. On the walk home I kept thinking about my conversation with Mrs. Smithers. Thinking about how she's completely right, If a person truly loves another they will stop at nothing to be with them. Why shouldn't they. So once I got home I looked at myself in the mirror and I finally decided that I will no longer put myself through misery. I am going to tell Charles that we're done, and that if he truly loves me then he'll change. If he chooses not to, then I shall wish him the best.

I changed out of my nurses uniform and decided to pick an outfit that I knew Charles would like. An outfit that said even though I'm leaving you're going to remember how good you had it and how much you are losing. I decided to put on some of my best pearls and my favorite shade of lipstick. Red rose with my black eyeliner and a pinkish purple blush. I did my hair up into small soft curls and the dress that I wore the night I first met Charles. A black gold beaded mesh Isadora fringe flapper dress. pairing it with black heels and black lace elbow length gloves. 

I was getting ready to go to see Charles while he was at work. To go and talk to him and finally tell him how I feel, tell him everything that has been on my mind for months. Finally tell him my feelings and just get everything out. I was about ready to go just about to walk out the front door, then I heard the front doorbell. 

I walk over to the front door and look out the peephole and see Dela. She looked worried and sad, Dela usually never looks like that unless either one of us were going to get hurt. Or both of us. I opened the door right away and asked her why she was here and why she isn't on her honeymoon. She looked like she was out of breath and nervous. 

" Dela?! What's going on? Why are you here, why aren't you on your honeymoon with Thierry?" I asked her and she looked at me and yelled, 


I was confused about who was leaving? She can't mean Charles right?, he wasn't due to leave for another month. Right? 

" Who's leaving ?!" 

I asked dela, and she grabbed me by my shoulders and practically shook me while saying ,

" Charles is Jane-anne, he's at the train station waiting to get picked up. Thierry is there with him, they're both waiting." 

Tears start to form in my eyes, it can't be there's no way that he is at the train station leaving. How could he? Leave without saying goodbye! Did he really not want to see me that bad that he was willing to leave without even talking to me? Did Charles really mean what he said to me the last time we talked ? Did he really stop loving me? 

" Jane-anne?!"

Dela waved her hands in front of my face calling my name. I looked at her and she asked me what I wanted to do. I told her that I wanted to get to the station as soon as possible. I had to! While dela was driving me to the train station I kept thinking about what I wanted to say. Exactly what I wanted to say word for word. But there was so much traffic and the roads were all slippery from all the rain that the city has been having for the last few days that I was scared. I was sacred: terrified, I was worried that I'd be too late and that I wouldn't be able to see him one last time. Not let him know how I feel. 

We finally made it to the station and I rushed out of the car so fast I practically leapt out of the car while it was still moving. I ran to the ticket master and asked him about the train. Of course he was being rude and didn't tell me a lick of information that I needed. All the man kept saying was that if I wanted to go out to the train platform I needed to purchase a ticket and all that bull crap. So I bought a ticket and ran out to the platform as fast as I could possibly run. I ran and ran to each platform until I finally found the one where he was. I get there and I see him, I see my beloved standing next to his best friend. Tears rolled down my face while I shout his name. 


He turned to face me as soon as his name left my lips. I quickly run to him as he runs to me too. Both of us hugging one another. I started crying as soon as his arms were around me. Charles shed some tears too. I wasn't prepared for him to leave so soon. I had planned on talking to him about us, about what he really wanted, about what I really wanted. I wanted to tell him that if he really loved me that he would fight to be with me no matter the consequences and wouldn't let anyone or anything get in the way.

But.... Now I'm not able to. All I have is these last few moments with him and all I can think about is how much I don't want him to go. So instead I tell him, 

" Charles.. My love, please don't go." 

Continuous tears rolling down my cheeks and he just looks at me with watery eyes.

" Jane-anne, you know I can't stay, I have to go." He tells me and when I hear those words I just wanted to scream and yell and just... AHHH! I was angry hearing those words. " NO! I don't accept that! You can stay!" " You can stay here! You can stay with me and we can build a life together!"

Charles had a saddened face while I was practically yelling at him. He then replied with, 

" Jane-anne you know I signed up and I said I'd go. I made a commitment, I have to honor it." I was livid, I then said the one thing that I thought would make him stay. 

" What about your commitment to me? You signed up for this a year before we met, it's changed now." "You don't have to go, the city's changed all the rules for war now, it's not mandatory anymore." " we're winning the war! You can stay you don't have to go!"

He just looked at me; that face that he had- I knew right then and there that he already made up his mind. There was no talking him out of it. But the words that came out of my mouth were me still trying to get him to stay. 

" Please don't go, Stay! Be the love of my life! Love me more than whatever is going through your head that constantly tells you to leave me!" "Please Charles... Thierry is staying! He's choosing to stay and be with the woman that he loves so why can't you?" He lets out a sigh and he just tells me that he can't.

The train conductor called out,


Charles hugs me one more time then he kisses my forehead. He says one last thing to me, 

" I Do love you Jane-anne I always have and I always will. If I don't make it or come back, promise me you'll move on."

I looked at him in utter shock. How could he ask me that! Why was he telling me this, I didn't want to move on! He was the one that I wanted to be with. The one that I wanted to grow old with. I just looked at him completely blank not knowing what to say. He practically yelled in my face, 

" Promise me Jane-anne! Promise me that you'll live a full life without me! " 

The conductor called for everyone to board once again. I didn't know what else to do but to say it. Say what he wanted to hear. I made a promise to Charles that I would move on and live a full life just like he wanted. He kissed my hand one last time, and the last words I heard from him were , 

" I love you Jane-anne Romero. I'll love you forever" Those were the last words Charles spoke to me... And then he was gone. 1917 Monday April 14th was the last day that I saw him. The last day that I saw Charles Eugene Vanchure. 

A/N: In the next chapter/part I'm going to do a time jump. I think it would be beneficial for the climax that is coming up soon. 

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