Chapter 16

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A/N: I left the last chapter on a little cliffhanger. Don't ask why I did I just felt that it was needed. I'm gonna start off this chapter from Cristian's and Jane-annes conversation.

I let out a somewhat frustrated sigh. I mean did I really believe him? Was this man or whatever thing he was...



Monster ...

Was he going to actually tell me about himself. Was he really going to calmly sit across from me and just tell me his life story? As if what happened tonight was nothing? Did he really expect me to just sit and listen to him? Sit there all solemn like as if I wasn't in pain, as if I wasn't anxious, as if I wasn't afraid?

I couldn't even think straight at that moment, other than thinking of what to make of all this. Make up of what has happened to me in the last 12 hours. Goodness not even 24 hours, and here I was being held captive by some psycho that can change his features at will. Some maniacal thing that has these abilities I have never seen before.

" Yeah.. well that might be best seeing as you almost tried to kill me three times already since we met. "  I said sarcastically. He looked at me and ran his fingers through his hair, crossed his legs and set his hand on his lap. He then opened his mouth to say something.

I interrupted him by saying," Of course I already know your name. " He looked at me with shock . I then relieved his interest.

"That bitch Colette said your name out loud whilst you were pinning me to the gate entrance of the cemetery ." " Well actually while you were choking me against the gate entrance." He let out an amused chuckle and took a sip of whatever drink he had in his hand.

" Ah mm yes. Ms. Tremé did in fact do that." I just looked at him and folded my hands and just sat there with my legs crossed as he replied.  " So... tell me everything."  I demanded .

" Tell me who you are."

" Tell me what you are."

" Tell me how you became what you are." 

" Tell me why I'm here."

" Tell me why you won't let me go."

I said as I urged him on to tell me.  He looked at me. Stared at me. Studied my face. His eyes began to trail up and down my body. Still feeling self conscious and now annoyed I cleared my throat to get him back to the task at hand.

Telling me all about himself, where he was from. Where he was born and how he came to be a vampire. What made him a vampire . Was it painful? Was it invigorating? Was it worth it to be a vampire?

" Now, now darling you'll get all the answers you want soon enough. But for now sit and let me tell you a story about a man ." I scoff I didn't want to hear any silly stories, I wanted to know about him.

" I don't want to listen to any stupid stories I want to kn -" I flinched as he cut me off by smashing his glass to the floor. The glass broke making me even more nervous.

" I said that you will get all your answers but first you WILL listen to me." " Do I make myself clear darling?" I gulp nervously then nod yes.

" Good. Now that we've both acknowledged that you can behave then we should get on with the story no?"

I didn't know what to do other than to nod another yes. But of course he didn't seem to like that . Nope not liking that at all. His face contorted into a face of rage . He was angry. But why? What did I do wrong?

I was sitting there listening to the bastard. Sitting calmly, well more like anxiously but still I was listening . So why did he get angry all of a sudden?

He must have been able to read me really well because he laughed. Then he answered the questions that were running a hundred miles an hour through my head. " Bastard huh? You think me a bastard do you darling?" Oh no.

I'm scared now. I tried to get up to run but he quickly caged me in between himself and the chair with his arms. " I'll let that slip darling ." I let out a sigh of relief as he said that.

"For now. However I'll consider letting it go ." I looked at him with worry again.  " I'll consider it seeing as you're just so beautiful darling." He said.

I was starting to shake a little. We made eye contact and his eyes. It felt as if his eyes were piercing through my soul.  His enchanting dark blue eyes . Blue like the ocean but dark like the night sky.

" If you're wondering how I can answer the questing that are going through that pretty little head of yours... well let's just say that you'll have to listen to my story to get the answer ."

He caressed my right cheek, then my jawline, my chin, my lips. He studied my face and my features for what seemed like an eternity. He smiled a goofy and proceeded to get another glass of whatever it was that he was drinking before.

Once he as away from my face I let out a breath of relief that I didn't even realize I was holding . I looked backup to him to see what he was drinking.

He poured something brown. What was it? Bourbon? Whisky? Tea maybe? It looked familiar and it also looked refreshing seeing as I was suddenly parched .

He must have sensed my eyes on him because he smiled some more and he poured another glass . For me? No . Yes? He walked back up to me and handed me the other glass. Then he sat down and lit up a cigarette. 

I took it reluctantly seeing as I was still skeptical but also because I was thirsty so I wasn't really complaining. I raised the glass up to my mouth and I smelled the enticing fragrances of the brown liquid.

Bourbon? I took a sip and it was bourbon. It was definitely aged too at that. The tasted like the bourbon my father used to drink when he would sit in the parlor while painting.

I'm not much of a bourbon person myself but beggars can't be choosers so I took another sip and relaxed as best I could so that I could hear his story. Hear his brilliant revelation on why he was the way he was. Get his beginning. His middle. Get his inevitable end. 

A/N : The next few chapters/parts I will be doing a flashback of Cristian Garza's story that he is telling to Jane-anne. I don't know if I'll make it from his perspective or if I'll just make it seem as if he's talking to Jane-anne. 

— I also don't know if I'll make his story end with him sitting in front of Jane-anne or not . Or just on how he was turned.

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