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He waited in the alley for the shadow to arrive. For the queen's child.

He had watched the girl leave their bed and come back several minutes later. While she was gone, the ghost had left a note on the window. After his lover had fallen into a deep sleep, he had changed into his black clothing and crept out of the townhouse.

A shadow moved out of the corner of his eye and he turned his head.

"You're late," he growled, his arms crossed.

"And you're reckless," the ghost snarled. "Scratching the boy? Are you out of your mind?"

He chuckled. "I'm having fun, Your Highness. It's been who-knows-how-long since I have interacted with living people."

"Your fun is going to ruin both my and my mother's carefully laid plans."

He barked a laugh. "Relax, Andhera. Besides, I would torture and murder your lover's dog for fun. It will ruin your precious plans."

Andhera paused. "Don't do it. Don't do it, please. He loves that dog," Andhera pleaded.

He scoffed. "Your lover has made you soft. Besides, love will only hurt you in the long run."

"So you're the god of romance now?"

He pushed off the wall and started down the alley-away from Andhera. "I'm the Lord of Madness. You're lucky to still be alive right now."

"How fast can you run?"

He halted and looked at Andhera over his shoulder. "I'm a demon, not some mortal's carrier pigeon."

Andhera raised a loved hand. Dark, shadowy flames danced on the glove. "I am not 'some mortal.'" Andhera clenched their fist. They reached into their cloak and pulled out an envelope. "I need you to run this to my troops. They're a few days' ride south. I would go myself, but absence will be noticed. But you're a demon. You can make it there and back unnoticed."

"Keep dreaming, Andhera."

"My mother can send you back to Helheim!"

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Andhera. He slammed Andhera up against the wall, the hood of their cloak coming off.

"Your mother is in over her head," he snarled, his face inches from Andhera's. "She lost her mind decades ago. I am an assassin and a demon prince-not a bloody messenger."

Andhera grinned. "Are you seriously that arrogant? Do you not remember telling my mother that your will was hers?"

He grimaced and snatched the letter away from Andhera. "I hate you, you spoiled brat."

"You will be back in time for more fun," said Andhera.

"Hey! Let go of her!" a man shouted.

He tore his gaze away from Andhera.

Dark violet and black flames flickered in Andhera's hand. "I got him. Give my men my orders."

He stepped away from Andhera and grinned at the man. He turned on his heel and ran-leaving the man alone with the Princess of Shadows.

Princess of Fire (The Light-Bringer Trilogy, #2)Where stories live. Discover now