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The next day

"So why do you think he reacted like that?" U hear Joe say making me mad that their trying to make a gossip ring. "Hey show some fucking respect won't ya...firstly he's Kelly's friend secondly he's a fucking SEAL so quite it with the gossip ring."

I growl and everyone stops what their doing turning bright red and going to protest. "It's none of our business Kelly obviously knows whatever it is and if I hear it again you will be scrubing the house top to bottom for a month."




"Huh Turkey seems nice it's hard to explain." I say as we get off the plane we are the first ones to arrive waiting for the rest of the team. After two hours of waiting all of a sudden me and Kelly are ambushed by four men about my height.

"Get the fuck off me!" I say throwing an elbow kicking them we are not good situration as he has me from behind. I finally get a grab on the man when I feel something stuck deeply into my neck. "Fuck this was a set up." I mange to push out before going limp and everything blacks out.




The three of us get to the meet up location as we all took the same flight we were meant to see Pup and Viper there when we arrive so my heart rate picks up when I don't see them. "Uh ain't Pup and Viper meant to b-wait ain't that their bags?" Ken says running up to their bags my heart is beating out of my chest.

"Something's wrong." Ken says picking up Buck's dog tags than all gasp when we see his gun and st Christopher neckless along with Kelly things. "H-He would never willing take his neckless or tags off."

"Get this airport shut down no one in and no one out now!" I yell grabbing my phone and dialing Steve my throat on fire. "Steve we have a problem...somebody nabbed Evan and Kelly."

"What the fuck do you mean someone took them?" Steve asks voice sounding raspy and dry. "Their bags are here...Buck's neckless that Eddie gave him was thrown on top of the bag along with their two personal guns and tags."

I hear something slam into something my guess it was a fist into something. "We are shutting down airport how long until you get here?"

"Two hours mother fucker it was a fucking trap!"




A week later

I painfully forced myself to open my eyes to see myself in a warehouse tied at my feet and hands ti d tightly to metal pipes as I try to break free.

I have dried blood in my hair making me cringe looking around. "Puppy!" I hear a strained yell making me realize what exactly has happened. "Viper?"

"Some bastards have us tied up trying to get information about the prisoners!" He yells and I growl trying to free myself from the fucking ropes.

"Look the pretty boy awake finally." That voice sends a chill up my spine causing me to shudder. "Fuck off!"

"Oh I just want some information." My face hardens as I glare at him. "Fuck you I ain't got nothing to say to you!" He strikes me with a metal pipe making me wince at the harsh strike. "I'll do it again."

"My parents have done worse." I spit in his face managing to kick him in the face earning a harder strike.

"Puppy stop just shut up!" Kelly yells hearing the strikes hitting my torso and back. "Not a fucking chance."

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