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A week later

"A what?" I ask on the phone it's hard to put that damn op behind me when I am talked about every which way I go or reminded of it I am about to fucking scream. "A Navy Cross Pup, you and Kelly are being given a Navy cross for what happened."

"What happened we went to fucking Turkey told we were going after one person to be ambushed which the other's involved still haven't been found I might add. By a crazy fucking prisoner who escaped which they broke protocol for not fucking telling us!"

I growl frustrated and pissed off at this. "And they are making it impossible for me and Kelly to just fucking forget about it as they either have fucking questions or stupid interview. The meetings with stupid fucking reporters! So what even is a stupid Navy cross."

"I-I know Pup...A Navy cross is the highest ranking medal in the Navy."

"S-So their giving us a medal for their fuck ups to make fucking Boden look better because our Commander stupid ass broke protocols that almost got us killed! More camera's in our faces to make them look good because they gave us a medal!"

I say pacing through the house my hand is tightly wrapped around my phone as Steve explains this punch to the gut. "Y-Yeah pretty much." I let out an annoyed huff rolling my eyes and rubbing my forehead.

"Civilians are stupid." I grumble as the media is blowing up about it. "Just chill Puppy ok I will send you the info."

"Whatever." I say hang up the phone angry cursing in Spanish under my breath.




The moment I see Buck pacing mixed with angry cursing I walk right back out of the house sitting on the porch. "Uh we don't wanna go in there right now." I say as the team walks up as we were going to hang out after the 12 hour shift. "He's SEALS level pissed right now lets wait till the Spanish cursing stops before we head in.

"Why is he mad?" Chimney asks raising an eyebrow when I let out a soft laugh shaking my head. "All I have really gathered is stupid fucking...thinks make things better can't forget. So long story short work is not on his side today."

"Isn't he on medical leave for another two months till his birthday." I tell Hen to zip it knowing that will get my ass in trouble. "Ahh that word is not welcomed for his 19th because he believes he's cursed granted he was shot and almost died but."

"But yes he is on leave so this probably has something to do with the press or whatever." I say when I hear him curse out. 'think a stupid medal will fix his mistakes.'

"Ok yeah lets go out tonight as he is gonna be fuming for awhile cause apparently he is getting a medal and I remember how frustrated I was and nobody made a mistake for mine." I say grabbing my bag and slowly walking off to our cars. "We can go to my place...and a medal?"

"My guess a cross, highest ranking in the Navy as his Commander made some stupid mistakes." I say jumping in Bobby's car.




Two weeks later

"Diaz try to smile a bit your getting a medal." I glare at Steve who is straightens out my dress uniform as I am in a piss poor mood. I text Eddie real quick.

You are so fucking me when we get home I mean it.

Eddie: That congrats party is being thrown.

Yeah no I am not going to that sorry but what congrats you can't move forward with your life.

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