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In the heart of Amazon Lily sat the beautiful palace of the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock. The palace, a majestic structure of stone and vibrant flora, stood as a testament to the strength and grace of the Kuja tribe. It was within its grand walls that Lucy, a spirited five-year-old with eyes as blue as the ocean and an energy that mirrored her fathers, found herself on the cusp of an unintended journey.

As evening fell, a gentle breeze whispered through her bedroom's open windows, carrying with it the distant, muffled sounds of the Straw Hat crew preparing to depart. Seated on the cool floor of her room, Lucy was entranced by Zephyra, her trusted snake companion, who lay coiled beside her. The snake's scales shimmered in the fading light, mirroring the twinkle of anticipation in Lucy's gaze.

Her young mind brimmed with images of the adventures she heard from her father's crew, each more thrilling than the last. She imagined herself at the helm of a ship, the sea spray misting her face, and her father's proud smile guiding her through storms and still waters alike.

She knew her father was about to set sail and leave her and her mother once again. The thought caused sadness to fall over her, and in the quiet of her room, a plan began to form in her mind—a plan that was bold and forbidden by her parents.

"Z", she whispered as she spoke to Zephyra, her voice full of child-like determination, "I want to go with Daddy. I want to go on an adventure and be Queen of the Pirates."

Zephyra regarded Lucy with an understanding gaze, her serpentine eyes seeming to grasp the gravity of Lucy's words. In that quiet moment, an unspoken agreement was forged between them.

Lucy hastily stuffed a handful of belongings into a small satchel, her movements quick and decisive. She paused at the door of her room, a sudden thought halting her escape.

She bit her lip, contemplating, then turned her attention back to Zephyra. "Z, what if Salome catches us? She'll alert Mommy, Aunt Mari, and Aunt Sonia and then..." Her voice trailed off, the potential obstacle casting a shadow of doubt over her plan.

Lucy drew a deep breath, her small chest puffing up with courage. She stepped out of her room, her bare feet silent on the cool stone floor. The first obstacle was the guard stationed at the end of the hallway. She waited until the woman turned away before darting across the corridor and slipping into the shadows.

She navigated the maze of corridors with the familiarity of a child who had played hide and seek in these very shadows. Each turn took her closer to freedom, and with every successful pass by the guards, her confidence grew.

As she neared the throne room, the sound of her aunts' voices drifted toward her. Lucy pressed herself against the wall, edging along until she found a tapestry she could hide behind. She held her breath as Mari and Sonia walked by, deep in conversation about the evening's duties.

Moving with as much stealth as she could muster, Lucy made her way to the main foyer, a place she knew she had to cross to reach the gardens and, beyond them, the docks.

Salome was known to patrol this area before turning in for the night in Hancock's room to watch over her as she slept. Lucy spotted the huge, elegant serpent near the entrance. She glanced at Zephyra, whose eyes seemed to be full of understanding. Zephyra slithered to Salome and momentarily distracted her with a display like she was going to play fight.

Seizing the moment, Lucy scurried across the foyer, her heart pounding like drumbeats in her chest. Once outside, she sprinted across the gardens, her destination nearly in sight. The scent of the sea filled her nose, the promise of adventure beckoning her forward.

With the docks within reach, Lucy clutched Zephyra close, a sense of victory washing over her. She had slipped past the watchful eyes of the Kuja warriors, slipped unseen past her vigilant aunts, and outmaneuvered the ever-perceptive Salome.

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