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In the heart of Amazon Lily's lush jungles, laughter and chatter filled the air as a group of young Kuja girls engaged in their daily play. Among them, Lucy, with her bright eyes and boundless energy, led the group in their adventures. On this particular day, their exploration took them to a less frequented part of the island, where the dense foliage whispered secrets of untamed wild animals.

As they played, a rustling in the bushes caught their attention. The girls paused, their games momentarily forgotten, as they watched a small, curious creature emerge.

It was a puppy, unlike any they had seen before, with patches of fur missing, a limp in its step, and a pitiful whimper. Its big, sorrowful eyes looked up at the girls filled with a silent plea for kindness.

"Look, she's hurt!" Lucy exclaimed, her heart immediately going out to the puppy. Her friends gathered around, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

"It doesn't look like any of the dogs we have on the island," one older girl remarked, her nose wrinkled in uncertainty.

"I don't think we should touch her. What if she's sick?" Another girl remarked, "Your mommy, I mean the Empress will be mad if she sees you with this thing."

Lucy looked down at the puppy, her resolve firm. "But look at her, she's adorable!" She insisted, her gaze filled with a warmth and openness that mirrored her father's own way of seeing the world.

The puppy, though initially hesitant, seemed to understand that Lucy meant no harm. It snuggled closer to warmth, its tail wagging weakly.

"We should take her to Grandma," Lucy decided with a nod. "She'll know what to do."

As Lucy and her friends made their way back to the palace, the group was a flutter with chatter and concern.

One of the girls tried again to reason with Lucy. "But what if that puppy bites you? You could get sick! What will your Mommy say?"

Lucy, cradling the puppy more protectively, responded with a mix of naivety and royal authority. "I'm the princess, so it's okay."

Another girl, skepticism clear in her tone, retorted, "You always say 'I'm the princess' like it means you can do anything."

Lucy paused, considering her friend's words, but her determination didn't waver. "Well, it's true! And right now, I'm going to make sure this puppy gets help because that's what my Daddy would do! He would have Doctor Chopper help."

The girls exchanged looks, some rolling their eyes but all following Lucy's lead. Despite their reservations, they couldn't deny the infectious optimism that Lucy, much like her father, radiated—even when it came to rescuing a scruffy, potentially troublesome puppy.

Bursting into the palace, Lucy led her entourage with the puppy still nestled in her arms. They found Elder Nyon in one of the main rooms reading.

"Grandma!" Lucy called out, excitement evident in her voice as she approached Nyon. "Look what I found! She needs our help."

Nyon looked up, her expression shifting from surprise to concern as she noticed the puppy. "Oh, my dear Lucy, what you have got this time?" She asked, her tone gentle but wary.

Before Lucy could answer, one of her friends piped up, "Is the Empress back yet? Could we see her?"

Lucy shook her head. "No, Mommy will be back in a few days. That's what Grandma said! I can't wait to show her the puppy. She's going to love her, I know it!

As Lucy's words filled the room with her optimism about the puppy's acceptance, Elder Nyon interjected, a knowing look in her eyes. "Lucy, you remember what your mother said last time you brought home an animal, don't you? She made an exception for Zephyra, but..."

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