What's Valentine's Day?

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Aboard the Thousand Sunny, as the crew sailed towards a lush island, the atmosphere was abuzz with an unusual flurry of activity. Zoro, usually found napping or training, was instead huddled with Franky over a heap of materials that ranged from colorful papers to what appeared to be parts in the shape of a heart.

Luffy, his curiosity piqued by this odd assembly, bounded over with the agility of a child on a sugar rush. "Hey, Zoro! What's all this?" he asked, pointing at the eclectic collection of parts sprawled across the deck.

Zoro, caught off guard, swiftly covered Luffy's mouth with a calloused hand. "Shh! Keep it down, would you?" he said, glancing around to ensure no unintended ears were sprouted within range. "It's a surprise for Robin for Valentine's Day."

Under Zoro's firm hand, Luffy's expression turned to one of bewilderment, his question emerging muffled and distorted, "Waf if Vawenwines Deh?"

"Huh?" Zoro, perplexed, lifted his hand from Luffy's mouth, allowing him to speak clearly.

Eyes still wide with curiosity, Luffy tilted his head, repeating his question with genuine intrigue, "What is Valentine's Day?"

Zoro stared at him, momentarily taken aback. "You're telling me you've got a wife and a kid, and you've never heard of Valentine's Day?" His tone was mixed with surprise and a hint of disbelief, especially given that even he, often the least observant of social customs, understood the significance of the day.

"It's a day when people show love and appreciation, usually with gifts like chocolates or flowers," Zoro offered, his explanation straightforward yet marked by his typical terseness.

Luffy's brow furrowed in thought, the concept still not quite clicking. "But I show Hancock and Lucy I love them all the time. Do I need to do something special on Valentine's Day too?"

Seeing the gears turn in Luffy's head but recognizing the depth of his confusion, Zoro shrugged, "Maybe Robin or Nami can explain better than I can."

Following Zoro's advice, Luffy found himself weaving through the corridors of the Thousand Sunny, eventually stopping at Nami's chart table. There, surrounded by navigational tools and maps, Nami was meticulously planning their next course, a collection of heart-shaped chocolates from Sanji scattered nearby.

With a sense of urgency, Luffy closed the distance between them. "Nami! What's Valentine's Day?" His inquiry was genuine, tinged with both confusion and a sincere desire to understand.

Nami ceased her work, her expression morphing into one of mild shock and amusement. "You're joking, right?" she replied, her disbelief evident. "How do you not know what Valentine's Day is, especially with a wife and daughter in your life?"

Luffy's frustration bubbled to the surface as he responded, "Why does everyone keep asking that? It's about showing people you care, isn't it? With chocolates and things?" His grasp on the concept seemed to dangle from fragmented memories of past observations.

"Yes, Luffy, it involves chocolates, but Valentine's Day encompasses more than just that. It's a day dedicated to expressing love and showing you appreciate someone, something you might want to do for Hancock and Lucy," Nami gently corrected, her voice softening to match the sincerity in Luffy's puzzled gaze.

Luffy, perplexed, protested, "But isn't that something I should be doing all the time? Why do we need a special day for it?" His confusion was palpable, struggling to grasp the necessity of a day dedicated to actions he believed should be everyday expressions of love and care.

Nami, noticing Luffy's persistent confusion, suggests, "Maybe you should talk to Robin. She might explain it in a way that makes more sense to you."

Grateful yet still puzzled, Luffy nods and heads off to find Robin, who is usually found cuddling with her daughter Olivia while enjoying a book in a quiet corner of the ship.

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