New Heir

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As the first rays of sunlight pierced the horizon, casting a golden glow across the sea, the Perfume Yuda gently rocked in the calm morning waters. Hancock found herself alone in her bed as she rolled over feeling the space where Luffy had been just a few moments earlier. The night before had been filled with their passion and vulnerability, a change to their usual adventures and battles.

As she sat up, the remnants of their night still clinging to her, she noticed Luffy across the room, putting on his signature straw hat and vest, preparing himself for the day ahead. Her heart skipped as she attempted to voice the storm of emotions she was feeling. "Darling, about last night..." Her words faltered, caught between the desire to express her feelings and the uncertainty of how to proceed.

Luffy, with a puzzled scratch of his head, turned towards Hancock, his smile bright. Unaware of the depth of Hancock's reflections, he responded with genuine warmth, "Yeah, last night was awesome! Thanks for everything, Hancock," his words a simple expression of gratitude, untouched by the complexities of the previous night's emotions.

Drawing in a deep breath, Hancock navigated the feelings within her—delight mixed with a touch of concern and a whirlwind of astonishment. "Luffy, dear, do you truly understand what occurred between us?" she ventured, her tone soft, searching for any sign of understanding in her husband's ever-joyful gaze.

Luffy's smile only broadened, his eyes sparkling with the same ease and enthusiasm that seemed to guide his every adventure. "Sure! It was a blast! You're incredible, Hancock," he exclaimed, his acknowledgement skating blissfully over the surface of Hancock's deeper implications.

The Empress found herself both frustrated and endeared by his guileless nature. With a resigned sigh, she chose to embrace the simplicity of his perspective, letting the significance of their shared moment linger in her heart unspoken. "Indeed, it was," she softly conceded, allowing a genuine smile to ease the conflict within her, treasuring the bond they shared beyond words.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, bathing the Perfume Yuda in a warm glow, the crew's morning routines brought the ship to life. Amidst this bustle, Luffy emerged from Hancock's quarters, their shared morning giving way to his inevitable goodbye.

Pausing at the ship's edge, ready to spring back to the Thousand Sunny, Luffy turned, capturing his wife in a spontaneous hug. "Time to go, but I'll be back before you know it," he said, his voice filled with the usual mix of excitement and a hint of reluctance at leaving her side.

Hancock, drawn into the circle of Luffy's arms, leaned into the hug, her voice soft, "Just... be careful, Luffy. You must come back to me, promise?"

Luffy's response came with an easy smile. "Of course! I always do, don't I?" He stepped back, readying himself with his usual enthusiasm. With that, he launched himself back to his awaiting crew, his laughter trailing behind him.

Hancock remained at the railing, watching him disappear into the distance. Her voice was only a whisper, carried away by the sea breeze, "Safe travels, my love. Please come back to me soon."


A month had passed since that incredible evening, leaving Hancock to tend to her duties on Amazon Lily. The days had flowed into each other, a blend of routine and occasional pang of loneliness.

It was during one of her travels around the island that Hancock found herself grappling with an unfamiliar sensation. Her usually impeccable intuition seemed clouded, her body sending her signals she couldn't quite decipher. After several days of silent contemplation, she sought the wisdom of the island's most revered healer, Belladonna.

Belladonna's home was a sanctuary of knowledge and ancient remedies. Hancock, feeling every bit the vulnerable woman she was at that moment, stepped into the dimly lit interior, her heart thrumming with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

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