Mark of the Past

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In the heart of Amazon Lily, the Kuja Palace was abuzz with excitement. Word had spread that Luffy, the infamous Straw Hat Pirate, was soon to arrive for a visit. In the midst of this frenzy was Boa Hancock who decided to begin her day with a calming bath, a ritual that always seemed to stir a certain frenzy in the palace.

Her daughter, Lucy, only four years old, watched with wide-eyed curiosity as the palace maids scurried about, ushering everyone out of the vicinity of her mother's chambers. She tugged at the hem of her Aunt Mari's skirt her voice filled with innocent confusion. "Why does everyone have to leave when Mommy takes a bath?"

Mari gently guided Lucy away, her tone soothing. "Your mother will explain it to you when the time is right," she reassured, attempting to redirect Lucy's attention. "Now, where is Zephyra?"

Lucy glanced around, momentarily distracted. "She's sleeping in my room. Can I go get her and then we can go play?"

There was a brief pause as Mari considered, then she nodded. "Alright, but come back here, and then we'll head out, deal?"

Lucy beamed and nodded enthusiastically before dashing off towards her room in search of her snake companion. Mari watched her go, a protective gaze lingering on the young princess as she navigated through the excitement-filled palace.

As Lucy scurried to her room, her thoughts were a whirlwind of curiosity. She found Zephyra curled up in her favorite spot, but instead of scooping up her snake companion, Lucy paused. The unanswered question about her mother's bath lingered in her mind. With Zephyra left behind, Lucy made a decision; she would find her mother and ask her directly.

In her quest for answers, Lucy's determination led her back towards the palace bath, the private sanctum where her mother sought solace. The room, a place of serene beauty and quiet reflection, was guarded with a diligence born of both tradition and necessity. As Lucy approached, her steps light with the stealth only a child could muster, her path was intercepted by a vigilant presence.

Sonia, tasked with ensuring the Empress's privacy, stood as a barrier to the curious young princess. With a keen eye for detail, Sonia caught sight of Lucy attempting to navigate past her. "Lucy," Sonia's voice, warm yet imbued with an authority that carried no room for argument, halted the young girl in her tracks. "Where do you think you're going?"

Caught in the act, Lucy's adventure seemed to come to an early end. Yet, the encounter was marked not by reprimand but by understanding. Sonia, recognizing the spark of curiosity in Lucy's eyes, offered a compromise. "Let's find your Aunt Mari. She's planning to take you outside. The gardens are beautiful this time of day, and Zephyra would love the sunlight," she suggested, her tone leaving room for adventure of a different kind.

Reluctantly, Lucy allowed herself to be led away, her questions temporarily set aside for the promise of outdoor play. The gardens of Amazon Lily, lush and vibrant, provided a distraction, their beauty a testament to the island's life force. Mari, upon rejoining Lucy, embraced the opportunity to explore the wonders of their home, guiding Lucy through a morning filled with laughter and discovery.

Yet, Lucy's curiosity remained unquenched, a persistent whisper that called her back to the unanswered mysteries of the palace. With the cleverness of a child's ingenuity, Lucy seized a moment of distraction, slipping away from her aunt's watchful gaze to embark on a second journey back to the palace.

This time, her approach was marked by an even greater caution, a learned skill from her earlier encounter. The palace, alive with the hustle of preparations and the anticipation of Luffy's visit, provided the perfect cover for a small figure intent on unseen passage.

Sonia, her attention divided between her duties and the constant flow of information required to manage such an event, did not notice the shadow that flitted past her once more. Lucy's determination and the day's distractions conspired to grant her access to the forbidden chamber.

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