6 - No Expectations

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We finally arrive at our romantic table for two by the terrace's edge. The waiter leaves our drinks and the menus, then disappears into the elegant crowd.

The glass protection next to us makes the stars appear fuzzier in the night sky. The full moon shines bright while a summer breeze shuffles my bangs. I pull the napkin off my plate and place it on my lap. Roman gracefully does the same, then raises his scotch for a toast. "To not having any expectations tonight."

"No expectations."

We lock our gazes and sip our drinks. The invisible current between us makes me wiggle in my place. Everything in my body itches to be closer to him as I flick the menu's edge.

"Leave it to me," he says, waving at the waiter. After ordering lots of fancy plates with made-up names and a bottle of fine wine, Roman leans back in his seat. "Tell me, Abby, what does the internet say about me nowadays?"

I smile and shrug. "I didn't google you."

He raises a brow. "I don't believe you."

"I'd rather have my own first impression of you," I say, and I'm telling him the truth. "I read your company's ethos when Kaz offered me the job. That's it."

Roman's caramel eyes glow as he twirls his glass and watches the ice roll in circles. "I can't say the same thing. I googled you and dug deep."

"Yeah? What did you find?" I ask playfully.

"Your birthday is in November, and you are turning twenty-five..." When I smile, he continues, "A Brown graduate. You have an impressive business portfolio—mostly ads and trailers for major streamers. Even the grumpiest, most difficult ones seem to love working with you."

"Thank you."

"You have a dog, a border coli—Rocky..."

"He's staying with Dad," I say, smiling widely. I missed that hairy, old pooch.

Roman leans forward and crosses his arms on the table. "I never had a dog. Mom's scared of them... Well, she's more scared about having teeth marks on her antique furniture."

I chuckle and finish my drink. "My mom wasn't a big fan of pets, either. Dad finally caved in and let me adopt Rocky when I was seventeen. Then he fell in love with him. Rocky gave Dad a reason to come home."

Roman's lowers his eyes with an understanding smile. After a brief moment, he licks his lips then parts them warily. "Your mom passed away when you were a child."

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Yeah... Car accident. I was four... I don't remember much about her. Just the way she smelled, like milky soap, and her shiny, blonde hair. It would be scattered all over her pillow in the mornings. I used to pretend her hair was spaghetti and toss it around."

Roman's constant frown softens. "I'm sorry. I wish we could change the past."

"Yeah, me too."

Roman tilts his head aside to meet my eyes. When I lift my gaze, I nod and smile back at him. It's okay. He taps the table once, then continues. "You seem to hang out a lot with someone called Olga—should be your best friend. I couldn't find any photos of your exes. Do you hide them or...?"

"This is my first proper date in six years," I confess with a shrug. Then I cross my arms and lean back in my chair. "My turn. Let's see if my inner search engine has got you figured out."

Roman fixes his sleeves with a cocky grin. "I'm all ears."

"Harvard graduate."

"You googled me," he says, rolling his eyes.

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