9 - About Last Night

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I hate him. I hate Roman Rhode. His brother is right. He is an egoistical, stupid, hateful son of a bitch. If he were here in my bedroom right now, I'd throw my dress at his face, knock him down, climb on top of him, and—

I groan and toss my dress into my closet... And my high heels, too, while I'm at it.

He is no one! A cocky bastard I met a couple of days ago. His words don't have power over me.

I wipe my makeup and hop into the shower. The ice-cold water should bring me back to my senses and calm the hellish beast roaming around my chest...

I slap my soapy cheeks. There is no beast. It's all in my head. Magical connections don't exist. Roman is just a guy, an asshole, who is probably in the shower, holding his cock in his hand—

Nope. I won't let him take over my thoughts. I turn the water off, wrap a towel around my body, and throw myself on the bed.

My phone lights up on the pillow, with a text.

'Thinking of me yet?'

"Fuck you, Roman."

Breathing exercises should help. But they don't. I don't want to prove Roman right and start touching myself to take the edge off... And I'm not ready to dwell on everything that happened earlier either. Should I watch something instead?

I open my streaming app and put on a period drama. Ruffled dresses, handsome dukes, and all that glam should lift my spirits.

The episode starts with a quarrel in the castle. Good, I like it when we dive straight into action. One minute into the show, and I groan. The Viscount is basically Roman with a rounder face! Besides, Roman is hotter. His ears are smaller, and his caramel eyes are one of a kind.

Fuck. This is useless. I toss my phone on the sheets.

Reading a book means getting out of bed, so do midnight snacks... I sigh and close my eyes, but Roman's face is all I can see, and his kisses are all I can feel in the dark.

My phone lights up again.

'I'm thinking of you, too.'

My heart skips a beat as I sink deeper into my pillow and close my eyes. Is he lying on his bed? Can he hear my thoughts? Is he alone? Ouch... Don't go there.

My phone chimes, but I keep my eyes closed.


If only he took the cab with me after our date... We could be one. Slipping in and out of each other. Falling together, and harder, with every thrust. We could be united; heart, body, and soul.

My thighs, my core, my heart... Everything I'm made of burns.

I kick the sheets and gasp for air. This doesn't make any sense! I've spent the last six years swiping left on assholes like Roman Rhode. Why can't I stop thinking about him?

I run my fingers through my wet bangs. "Fuck it. He'll never know..."

My hand travels south and disappears between the soft folds of the towel around my body. Roman's caramel eyes flash somewhere in the back of my mind. His thin lips, and the way they shine when he licks them... My breathing quickens. I can feel his oaky cologne all over me.

The memory of his heat between my legs drives me to the edge. And the memories of his voice, and our lips colliding in need tips me off. I come, screaming his name. "Roman!" Just like he told me to.

I open my eyes in my empty room, and stare at his texts.

'I should have taken that cab with you.'
'Did you scream my name?'
'See you next week.'

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