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let's talk about how i loved you truly,
when aster and morning glory met holly—
he promised to unlearn all his cimmerian norms,
she vowed to be patient and love him in different forms.

we are made up of the stories we shared past ten,
the moment you forgot to pick my calls and you were crestfallen,
when you introduced me to your mom, she's so happy— and
your younger sisters invites 'cause she loved my company.

together, we worked on your lessons until early morning,
some sundays were spent in church praying,
you have a lot of tales to tell on our first date,
your hands met mine, the fall of the state.

did we ever felt the same? or it's just me?
was i enough? or i'm still a shadow you can't see?
we learned the same things, but we committed them differently,
i set fire to keep you warm, yet you set fire to burn me quickly.

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