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"I think they're holding something over her."

"That's it. The Portal Terminus. You came through it the day you got here." Taylor tells them.

"I don't remember. But, then again, it was pretty much a blur. One minute I was in 2149, next, I was here." Jim says walking through it to illustrate.

Liam looks around, remember meeting you for the first time. A soft smile on his lips and chuckle as he remembers shouting his name in your face when he realised you asked for his name and he had just mumbled yours, in complete awe of you.

"Hope plaza sent it through in pieces after the Fourth Pilgrimage. Some assembly required. Before we got it, there was no way of knowing where the fracture would spit people out. The Second Pilgrimage ended up about eight clicks north of here. The Third Pilgrimage, they landed smack in the middle of Arrowpoint Lake. That was fun." Taylor says sarcastically.

"So, this thing fixes the portal on our end, huh?" Jim ask.

"You're not gonna ask me how it works, are you? Good. I'm really not in the mood to pretend I know." He says.

He looks at Liam and Jim seriously.

"The Eleventh Pilgrimage is due here in a matter of days. I want that Sixer spy locked in the brig before the new colonists get here. How's that coming?"

"Interview is still in progress. There's still  few left, actually we need a word with Riley." Jim tells him.

"Fair enough. I'm gonna head in. Gotta dispatch the afternoon patrols." He tells them, then turns to the soldiers. "Everybody clear in their orders?"

"Sir, yes, sir." They answer him.

"Eyes on the portal, round the clock. Any activity, I wanna know ASAP. Riley, step out. Sheriff and Deputy wants a word with you." Taylor tells her.

She nods and walk up to them.

"Sheriff. Deputy." She nods to the two. "What can I do for you?" She asks.

Jim speaks up while Liam gets out his device to take notes.

"As you know, some evidence that may have identified the spy was destroyed in the infirmary the other night and we need to question everyone who had access. You understand?" Jim tells her.

"Of course. Ask away." She says.

"You checked into the infirmary that night. Why?" Liam asks her.

"Fresh squashed my thumb in the door in the door of a rover." She says glancing at Dunham.

"I said I was sorry." Dunham says.

"But thanks to your girlfriend, it's fully operational." Riley tells Liam.

"Good." Liam says, trying to not grin too much at her calling you his girlfriend, he was still getting used to that. "Did you see anyone or anything unusual in the infirmary that night?"

Now they were back in Terra Nova interviewing another woman.

"Just staff, patients, family members. Just like any other night." The woman tells them.

"Alright. That's all we need." Jim says and stand up with the woman.

Liam stays at his seat while Jim gets Skye.

"Skye. Appreciate you coming in." Jim tells her and they come back in.

"No problem. You're getting me out of construction duty." She says and takes a seat.

Liam glances at her hands when she sits down.

"Those are some nasty cuts on your hands. Rough work?" Liam asks her.

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