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Ch. 29: That's exactly what I'm suggesting.

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Mafia bosses from each established family gather in Torin's foyer, suited, booted and fully armed. Frank has at least three bodyguards trailing him, no doubt taking every precaution after what happened to Aidan. Smaller—less established families—are also here, keen to pledge their allegiance with the top dogs. I'm surprised at how many there are and even more so surprised at how many of them seem to know exactly who I am. They all look, but not one person has made the effort to address me personally. All with the expectation of one.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but everyone is staring at you."

A tall man roughly my age with a dark complexation and gorgeous eyes comes sauntering over, outfit impeccable. His mint green suit does not fit the vibe of everyone else at all, and I get the impression that's exactly what he was hoping for. He stands out. An intruder amongst dangerous men. He intrigues me.

"I have noticed," I respond, ignoring the many stares. "I expect this is what a lion must feel like at a zoo."

He laughs at my analogy. "If you're the lion, does that make Frank O'Neil the fast cheetah?"

"More like a quivering coati."

He smiles, showcasing a set of perfectly straight, white teeth. "Is that any way to talk about your future father-in-law, princess?"

I regard him closely, wondering who on earth this man is and why I like him so much.

"You seem to know an awful lot about me."

"Knowledge is power," he replies, eyes leisurely travelling around the room.

It doesn't go unnoticed that he lingers ever so slightly longer on all the important people.

"I disagree," I offer. "Knowledge is not always power."

He nods, silently speculating my words.

"Besides, there's something else much more powerful than knowledge."

"Care to share?"

"Having people underestimate you."

He quickly turns his attention back to me, gaze curious.

"Take you, for example," I begin. "You wear outrageously fabulous suits to draw just the right amount of attention to yourself. No one of real power will ever take you seriously."

"Is that right?"

I nod. "Which is exactly what you want. Instead, you cosy up to the wives. Feed them compliments. You might even sleep with some of them."

He laughs.

"And then you infiltrate. To gather secrets and then you use them to your advantage."

His eyes glow a magnificent gold. "Therefore—knowledge is power."

I smile, considering his words in retrospect. "I suppose you're right."

"I like you, Imogen," he randomly shares. "I can see why Aidan wants to marry you."

I refrain from rolling my eyes. "You know Aidan?"

"Honey," he begins, leaning in close enough so that his lips graze my ear. "I'm sleeping with him."


Torin interrupts our conversation before I can respond.

"It's good to see you!"

To my surprise, Torin greets Xavier like they're old pals.

"Likewise," he replies. "Your newest addition was keeping me company."

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