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Ch. 38: You will repay us by doing your duty.

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Frank is in Torin's office by the time we redress and enter. He's nursing a scotch, narrow fingers grasping at the glass with an arrogant flare. His smug smirk infuriates me to the point of red, hot rage. I want to take his drink and shove it up his—

"Where is she?" demands Torin.

"Safe," insists Frank. "For now."

"Listen here, you little prick..." I begin, burning hot. "If Maeve so much as has a scratch on her body, I'll fucking end you."

Torin intervenes, taking a much calmer approach. "What do you want, Frank?"

"I'm glad you asked," replies the arsehole. "Just a simple exchange, really."

"Go on," probes Torin, slowly losing his patience.

"A wedding," states Frank. "Tomorrow."

He sips his scotch, taking gratification from our shocked expressions.

"Maeve will see no harm, so long as you comply."

My insides churn the longer I stare at this man and his absurd demands.

"And that's it?" I ask. "We're supposed to just take your word for it?"

"I'm a man of my word, Imogen. You of all people should know that."

Slapping a mafia boss in the face is hardly the answer, but that doesn't stop me from doing it. My mother's famous mantra is nowhere to be seen as my palm connects with his stubbled cheek. The sound is almost as satisfying as the brief show of shock on Frank O'Neil's pathetic face. I rear my hand back and make a fist, fully prepared to compliment his other cheek with a punch but am stopped by Torin capturing both my arms.

"You're a piece of fucking shit, Frank!"

"So I'm told."

"No wonder your son is a disgrace with a father like you!"

His smug expression vanishes.

"Mine was far from perfect, but at least he tried to bring us up with morals!" I yell.

"Morals?" He laughs. "He raised a psychopath, sweetheart!"

"And you raised a rapist," I inform.

Frank simply rolls his eyes, unbothered by my declaration.

"Aidan is no better than Shane and your family is a fucking joke."

"My family has offered you nothing but kindness," he spits, cheek already bruising. "And you'll repay us by doing your duty."

"My duty?"

I feel sick.

"Yes," he snarls, stepping into my personal space. "You can start by shutting the hell up and spreading your legs, you fucking whore."

Torin tenses.

"Who knows, maybe my son will be open to sharing you with me."

Torin pounces on him, squeezing his neck to drain the life out of him. Frank's men infiltrate, only getting so far with Nathan blocking their path.

"If you kill him, we'll kill the girl," offers the soldier Nathan currently has in a chokehold.

Torin—too far gone—ignores the warning.


I yank on his arm, freeing Frank from a death well deserved.

"Emotions are high, I can see," splutters Frank, struggling to catch his breath.

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