Starting Off New

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*It was a very sunny day. The camp was ready for the campers to come by. One of the buses came by. Only one kid came out of that bus. And that was.....*

MePhone4: Ah. It's good to be back!

*Then a portal opens up. And.....*

4: You said it! Good to be back at our good old camp. Hey, nice fit! You look so different.

MePhone4: You were there when my foster parents went shopping and got me a bunch of clothes to try on. 

4: Yeah! Because they noticed the weight you've gained. You don't look like a twig you used to be.

MePhone4: Yeah. Hey, how are the shoes going for you?

4: Ugh! I hate them. I can't believe I have to wear shoes now!

MePhone4: You know what the doctor said. You'll get an infection if you keep walking barefooted.

4: How was I supposed to know there was a nail right in front of me!!

*Then another bus comes by. And out comes.....*

Controlly: Wait so now your limbs are all robotic now?

Gamey: They've always been robotic dude. I've just never shown them as much. But I got my rocket boots and my arm cannons!

Controlly: You look so cool! You need to show me what you can do when you get a chance.

4: Controlly! Gamey!

Gamey: 4! MePhone!

MePhone4: Oh Man! It's been so long! How have you guys been!?

Gamey: Well I got some new upgrades for my limbs. 

4: Hey Controlly. What's with the stupid bear on your shirt? You look silly! Hahaha!

*Controlly didn't react.*

4: Ah what! No reaction!? What gives!?

Controlly: Sorry 4. But that's not going to bother me. I've gotten back to my bear stuff..... Slowly.

4: Ah Man. You're no fun if you don't get bothered.

Gamey: Looks like you two gain some new looks. Have you gained a bit of weight MePhone?

MePhone4: Yeah. My parents bought me new clothes because of it.

Controlly: Sweet kicks 4.

4: I hate these shoes! They're so uncomfortable!

*Then another bus came. A couple of kids come out. But some familiar faces were coming out one by one.*

Burger King: Well fucking great. I'm back at this dump.

Airy: You'll get used to it like last summer.

Chocolate Bar: WOOOO! I Finally Feel So Free!

Gold Ingot: Yeah! No more bowtie tying around my neck! I feel so free!

4: You guys seem happy.

Burger King: Do not get them-

Chocolate Bar: Heck Yeah We Are! No more Wand telling us what to wear!

Gold Ingot: No more having to have your hair full of gel!

Chocolate Bar: No More Wearing Slacks!

Gold Ingot: No More Wearing Uncomfortable Shoes!!

Chocolate Bar and Gold Ingot: We're Finally Free To Wear Whatever We Want!!

Burger King: UGH! They Were Like This All Week! We Fucking Get It! 

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