Friend or Foe

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It was a very exciting day, as our campers celebrate friendship day at camp.

Oodle: I can't wait for the friendship marathon! This is gonna be so fun!!

Crayon Box: Me and Paint Palette have been training for this marathon for so long! We got this in the bag!

MePhone4: Marathon?

4: Nobody told us about a marathon.

Gold Ingot: Oh it's super fun.

Airy: You basically do a bunch of games with your friend.

Chocolate Bar: And whoever wins, gets the title of the bestest friends of the year award!!

Computer: And that award is going towards me and my bestie!

Paint Palette; No way. Obviously me and CB will win this one!

4: You sure we can't just enjoy being with our friends without having a competition.

Burger King: I mean you could, but there's a freaking award for crying out loud!

Gamey: Me and Controlly will hard pass on the competition. 

Controlly: We just want to enjoy some quality bro time today. By playing video games and giving high-fives.

Gamey: What no hugging?

Controlly: Come on man. Hi-fives are more appropriate for a bro-ship.

Gamey; Ok fine. Hi-fives will do. (Hi-fives Controlly) As long as nothing happens today, we'll have the best friendship day ever!

Controller: Pfft. That sounds like loser talk if you ask me.

Controlly: CONTROLLER!

The Guys: Controller!!?

Girls: Who?

Controlly: YOU! What Are You Doing Here Cracker!!

Controller: Again with the cracker insult. I'm here to defeat you and your friends in this friendship marathon thing. To show that I'm better than you! 

Controlly: You Can't Participate In This Marathon! You Don't Even Go To This Camp!

Controller: Actually. I registered to be at this camp for only one day. And today is that day. Therefore I'm allowed to be here.

Controlly: Well You Still Can't Participate! You Don't Even Have A Best Friend!

Controller: Oh ho ho! But I do have a best friend I met during the summer. In fact, he's on his way right now.

Controlly: Oh please! What idiot would want to be friends with you!

Nintendo: Actually! That would be me!

Gamey:..... Oh no! It can't be!

*Then a kid comes to join Controller.*

Controller: Controlly. Gamey. Meet my best friend Nintendo.

Nintendo: Wait a minute? Gamester! You're here!

Gamey: I don't know what you're talking about?

Controlly: Wait! You two know each other?

Gamey: I wouldn't say I know him.

Nintendo: Oh come on Gamester! It's me, Nintendo! Your old best friend!

Controlly: Huh!?

MePhone4: Woah!

Gold Ingot: This is getting good!

Controlly: You two were best friends!?

Nintendo: Heck yeah we were. I remember back in preschool when I met the Gamester. 

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