Future Trouble

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The game bros are at the Goober Quad. Where Computer and Controlly were playing smash bros.

Controlly: Take That!! HAHA!

Computer: Hey No Fair!! I Was Distracted!

Controlly: You Snooze You Lose!

*Meanwhile Gamey was showing everyone else his arm.*

4: So what could you do with your arm?

MePhone4: Can you shoot lasers out of it!?

Gamey: Uhhh. I haven't really programmed it to that yet. But I can do this!

*Then he turned his hand into a whisk.*

Oodle: Woah! You could really help me in the kitchen with that hand.

Gamey: I can also do this!

*Then he pulls out a bubble and starts blowing bubbles.*

MePhone4: (Gasp) Bubbles!

*Then MePhone, 4, and Oodle started to pop some of the bubbles.*

Controlly: Hey keep those bubbles away from us! It's distracting our game!

Computer: Come On!!

*Then someone knocked on the door.*

4: Come In! The Door Is Open!

*And the one who came in was.....*

Crayon Box: Hey Guys!

Controlly: (Gasp) (Blushes) CB!

Gamey: Hey CB what's up.

Crayon Box: Same as always Gamey. MePhone! You ready for our talk and walk!

Oodle: Talk and walk?

MePhone4: Yeah it's something both me and CB do whenever we want to talk about whatever is on our mind.

Crayon Box: We would usually walk around camp and talk about them. It helps both of us to understand each other more.

MePhone4: Anyways we better get going. See you guys later!

*Then both MePhone and CB left. Controlly was watching them leave. Being both jealous and worried at the same time. Which led him to get distracted.*

Computer: Yes!! I Did It! I Won!!

Controlly:..... I don't think I feel like playing anymore.

*He gets up and turns off his console. Then he starts to grab his stuff.*

Computer: Is something wrong homie?

Gamey: Don't worry. He's always like this every time he loses a game.

Controlly: No it's not that........... Do you guys ever think that maybe MePhone and Crayon Box could be a thing?

4: Dude!

Controlly: I'm Sorry! It's just...... they've been getting so close with each other. What if they actually become more than friends?

Oodle: Don't they consider each other as just siblings though.

Controlly: Well yeah. But you never know. One day they won't think that way and then they'll actually become a couple and then I'll be alone and very upset at MePhone if that happens!!

Gamey: Dude you're overreacting. There's no way that would happen.

Computer: He does make a point though.

Oodle: Really dude?

Computer: Look. I know CB is not into my muffin either. And I know my muffin is still not sure what being in a romantic relationship is like....... But I feel once he does, maybe his first choice would be her since CB was the first girl MePhone became close with. And maybe that would be the same for CB since he was the only one that was nice to her. Besides me of course, but she made it pretty clear she didn't want to be with me.

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