arcade ♡

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"Cole," Peter stretched out his arms and yawned.


"I'm soo bored!" He exaggerated. "Can we go to the arcade? Please?"

Cole smiled and stood up, taking Peters hand and helping him up from the couch.

"I guess, sense we haven't done much in a while,"

Peters face brightened. "Maybe we can go with Yehl and her sister?"

Cole didn't mind this idea. Yehl, named after the Tlingit creator God, was Garvey's eldest daughter.

They met on bad terms at first, when Cole was still in court for the damages he caused to Peter and his family. She just accompanied her dad, but she didn't seem to have Garvey's wisecracking and kind personality, because all she did was glare at Cole.

He later found out it was because she also wanted to be a Parol Officer, just like her father. They seemed to have a good relationship.

Then, Cole envied Yehl and her stupid picture perfect family. He often caught himself wishing Garvey's was his dad- but quickly shook the thought away. He was supposed to hate Garvey and his annoying brat, not envy them.

Senior year, however, Yehl and her younger sister by a year and two months switched to Cole and Peters school.

"Please just try to talk to them," Garvey had asked desperately. "Im only doing this because I know you guys have changed your school for the better, but their school seems to be a little.. Behind." He sighed. "Please?"

He sounded so desperate, they couldn't say no. Plus, new friends was always a plus. By then, both him and Peter only hung out or spoke to each other.

They took time to warm up to Cole and Peter. But, after a few weeks of lunch together every single day and even being in some of the same classes, they became friends.

"Hurry upp, we have to leave early sense we can't use a car cause of your rule," Peter said as he rushed Peter out the door.

Cole and Peter had made a vow to only use the car for extremely long distances several months after returning from the island.

Peter, at first, thought it was stupid.

"What are we now, hippies?" He had joked.

Cole laughed a little. "Cmon, Peter. It's not that hard to walk a little more than usual,"

Peter crossed his arms. "But why?" He complained.

"It helps the environment," Cole said proudly.

"Your starting to sound like Garvey,"

Cole rolled his eyes playfully and grinned. "Well, maybe Garvey makes good points." He'd said.

They stepped into the arcade, looking around. Peter immediately grabbed Coles hand and ran to an old, dusty game box. It appeared to be a fighting game.

"Holy crap, Cole, look!" He held up the controller. "It's an old game I used to play when I was younger," Peter said excitedly.

Cole smiled and sat next to Peter. Yehl and Lily followed close behind, as they all four chit chatted.

"Ooh, that looks cool!" Yehl exclaimed. She had her fathers lazy eye, but she pulled it off so well it wasn't a problem for her at all. She was more to the thinner side, Lily was about normal with a little chub.

Peter smiled up at Yehl and Lily. "Wanna take turns? Whoever the loser is has to pass the controller." He explained.

"Hell yeah, let's go, Lily!"

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