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We came back from shopping and put all the bags in the corner of Sandys room.

We only shopped for an hour and a half. I plopped myself on Sandys bed, again. "You really love my bed" Sandy joked "it's so comfy" I say a bit muffled considering I had my face stuffed in her bed sheets.

Sandys mum calls us down "Girls dinners ready" She yells up to us. "Okay mum we'll be down in a sec" Sandy yells back.

As I'm about to get off the bed I feel hands come around my ankle and drag me off the bed. I look behind me to see it was Lindsay and Sandy. "You guys are such hippies" I say laughing. They laugh "speak for yourself" Sandy says "oh okay Mandy Sandy" I say rolling my eyes playfully.

I get off the floor and we go down the stairs. Sandys mum had made us dinner and left it on the kitchen counter. We sit down and begin to eat. We start to talk about random things.

"Ay, you guys know Shelly?" Lindsay asks "yeah?" Sandy says confused "isn't she the one that hangs around with Hailey?" I ask, Lindsay nods "what about her?" Sandy asks.

"Well you know josh?" She says, we nod, "so apparently they did it" she says. Sandy looks shocked. "Did what?" I ask confused "you know like did IT" Sandy says "I don't get it" I say.

"Aw you're so innocent" Lindsay laughs "like they had sex" Sandy say "excuse me?" I say shocked.

"I know" Sandy says nodding "but aren't they like sixteen?" I ask. Sandy nods, "I know and I swear they hated each other last week" Lindsay shakes her head. "I know right, but you never know with that girl" Sandy says.

After we finished eating we head back up stairs. We all sit on Sandys bed.

"Okay so what should we watch?" Lindsay asks, Sandy sighs thinking.

"Umm Charlie's Angels?" She suggests "oh em gee yeah" Lindsay says. They look at me for approval. "I've never seen it" I shrug.

"It is one of the best films of all time!" Sandy says.

"You need to watch it!" Lindsay chimes in.


We watched Charlie's Angels, which was AWESOME by the way. After we watched white chicks, which was also SO GOOD.

Can't believe I've been missing out on all this all these years. Stupid lamp.

"Okay now I NEED to show you Britney Spears" Sandys says excitedly. Sandy runs to her laptop and opens it. She starts typing. "She's OBSESSED with Britney Spears" Lindsay says "I know" I laugh and so does she.

"Okay come here" Sandy says, I walk over to her and lay down next to her in my stomach like she is. In the corner of my eye I see Lindsay lay down next to me doing the same thing as us.

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