Self Care

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there was a knock on my bedroom door. I tried to not cry has loud. "Gennie?" My mum said calmly, knocking on the door again.

"Yes" I said lifting my head up. My voice was a little shaky. "Can I come in?" She asks. Ugh. I don't want to be rude and say no, but I don't want her to see me right now. "Sure" I say, quickly wiping my tears away. I sniffed.

I sit up as my mum walks in. I smile at her weakly. She sits down on the edge of my bed.

"You okay?" She asks concerned. I nod, still smiling, so she'll think I'm okay.

"You sure?" I nod. "Did something happen?" I shake my head. I didn't wanna speak or else I would probably cry again. I don't even know why I'm was crying or feel like crying. It's quite unusual for me.

"Honey, you've been crying. Something has happened" she says. "Nothings happened" I say trying to control my voice from shaking. "Why did you leave so early then?" She questions. I shrug "wasn't feeling it anymore" I say, "I'm not gonna force it out of you, when you feel like telling me you can" she says rubbing my arm slightly.

She nods getting up. She walks over to my door opening it. Before she walks out she looks back at me, she stares at me for a minute then walks out.

I sigh and lay down on my back. Just staring at my ceiling.

I take deep breathes in and out, calming myself down. He probably drank too much and didn't know what he was doing. At least that's what I like to tell myself.

I stand up walking to my mirror. Gosh, I look like a reck and for what? My mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow was all messed up. You could see the stains of my tears that ruined my foundation. I sighed pouting a bit.

I need to fix myself up maybe I would feel better.

I squint my eyes thinking about what I should do first. Okay maybe that's obvious. Shower.

I sit down at my desk, pulling out makeup remover and cotton pads. I poured the makeup remover on the cotton pad. I slowly start to remove my makeup.

After using five cotton pads all my makeup was gone and for once my eyes wasn't stained with leftover mascara or eyeliner. I grab the used cotton pads and threw them in my bed, which was next to my desk. I put my makeup remover and cotton pads back in my drawers.

I stand up from my desk, walking over to my wardrobe. I squatted down opening the bottom drawer, which was below my wardrobe. I pick out some pyjamas. The pyjama shorts were a light blue and the pyjama top had no sleeves and had grey and blue stripes. I grab some underwear too.

I walk to the bathroom with the stuff in my hands.


After my shower I got into my pyjamas.

I walked back into my room. I sat down at my desk again. I brushed through my wet hair. Maybe I should let my hair dry a bit then put it in rollers. Sure. While I let my hair dry a little I look through one of the drawers in my desk. I grab a mask. Apparently it smelt like cherrys. I take it out of its packet and slowly unfold it.

It was really wet. Kinda a gross feeling. I put it on my face, slowly flattening it. I read the back to see how long I leave it on for. Fifteen minutes, okay. I look at the clock that's hanging on my wall. It's currently 11:49pm.

I put the packet in the bin.

I go back to the bathroom to wash my hands. After drying my hands I go back to my room.

I pick out a magazine. I lie on my bed, opening up the magazine. I rest my back on the headboard.

A couple of minutes go by and my hair is a little dryer. I guess I'll put it in rollers now. I sit back in my desk and get my rollers. I got the when I had that sleepover with Sandy and Lindsay. They were pink and blue rollers.

I look at my clock, it is 11:59pm. I've got five minutes until I have to take my mask off. I can kinda smell the cherry on it.

I pick a pink roller up and my brush. I take a strand of my hair, brushing it. I starts to roll my it up, leaving it to stay at the top.


I've only done the right side of my hair. My arms are aching. I look at the time. It's 12:04am. I should probably take my mask off now. I stop what I'm doing and walk all the way to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and take off the mask, putting it in the bathroom bin.

I wash my hands and dry them. I smile to myself feeling much better. Even though I probably looked crazy with only one side of my hair rolled up. I go back to my room and start doing the left side.

After, I lay back on my bed and finish reading Sandys magazine. I start to feel a bit tired and put it on my nightstand. I get up and switch off my light. I get back into bed, snuggling up into my sheets.

I smile to myself realising tomorrow is Saturday.

I slowly start to drift off to sleep.


I slowly blink my eyes open. I look at my window seeing the lights through it. What time is it?I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I squint my eyes at my clock. It's currently 9:30am.

Why am I waking up so early on a Saturday? I roll my eyes, lying back down as I sigh. I shut my eyes drying to go back to sleep.

I couldn't.

I turn on my side, still trying to sleep.

Again I couldn't.

So I switch sides.

Ugh, why can't I go back to sleep?

I groan in annoyance, flipping the my bed covers off me. I stand up. I wonder if anyone's texted me. Nope. Maybe they're like.. hungover. Maybe. Who knows? Not me. All I can do is guess.

I put some socks on. They kinda matches my pyjama top. I walked to the bathroom.

Brushing my teeth, I felt a little out of place if you know what I mean. Like there was something missing. I knew I should feel fine but I just didn't. I spit in the sink and wipe the excess toothpaste off my mouth. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom.

I sit at my desk and begin to take my rollers out.

Once I took them all out I look at myself with approval. I think my curls looked nice. I take my brush and slightly brush the curls. Only so they don't look as tight.

I sank into my chair. What should I do today? I could just watch movies all day to distract myself because I'm seriously not liking this feeling I have. But what was the point I'm doing the curls then.

I might just go on a walk, but later though.

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