CH 9

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A glimpse of us

Two children stared at each other one with curiosity and the other blankly.

"What are you doing here?"

The blue eyed boy asked. Afterall it would be weird for two children to wander around in the middle of night without any adult.

"...what are you doing here?"

Both of them fell silent not answering. None of them spoke up to satisfy each others curiosity.

Kim Rok Soo was there to escape from his abusive uncle while Choi Cheol Min sneaked out to breath a sigh of relief from the toxic environment he lived in.

But neither of them would talk about this aloud. 

Both stared at the starry sky which surprisingly had stars that night. Silently losing themselves in their thoughts in this precious moment of peace.

A deep aching scarred a youthful heart, belonging to the reddish-brown eyed child.

Heart piercing were the sounds of a shattered heart heard by the blue eyed boy.

Each day a new struggle, each time barely passing through those challenges, each hour disappointed by world, each minute minute hoping for peace and each second regretting choices they made.

Similar yet so different, two strangers children by age but with no trace of innocence remaining. Sitting there they savoured every moment of their bitter lives.

Trying to find their purpose of life while desperately trying to not lose themselves in these constant battles of mind games.

Clinging to the tiniest hopes they could find for acceptance which in the end only lead to disappointment.

They felt small like the distant stars they were gazing upon.

They shined in their own elegance and beauty making them the subject of envy, so unreachable, so bright and so beautiful.

But they forgot that the stars only shine in darkness.

Their first meeting was nothing but silent as the time passed by both of them stood up, they had to return to their respective hells.

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