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The next morning...

Fatima woke up realizing that she was laying on Zac's chest. She lifted herself off of him and checked her phone. It was 7:30 in the morning. She knew she had to get up and hurry home to get dress before she was late to work. She tried to get up and grab her shoes to leave quietly, but Zac felt her weight lift off of him making him wake up.

Zac: I know you not about to sneak out of here like some side chick.

Fatima: What? Boy no. I'm tying to get out of here before I am late for work. I can't believe I stayed the night here.

Zac: I told you not to put that boring ass movie on. Now look at you about to be late for work.

Fatima: Shut up. That movie was not boring. You just don't know a good movie when you see one.

Zac: Yes I do. That's just not one of them.

Fatima: Whatever.

Zac: What time is it anyway?

Fatima: 7:38

Zac: Oh shit, I gotta get Kennedy ready for school.

Zac got up quickly and headed towards Kennedy's room.

Zac: Lock the door on your way out.

Fatima: I know what to do. You just hurry up and get my niece dress. She better not be late either or it's gonna be me and you.

Zac: (mumbles) You always acting like you the boss of someone. Nobody is scared of you.

Fatima ran up on Zac and got in his face.

Fatima: I'm sorry. I didn't hear you. what did you say?

Zac: I said have a good day at work.

Fatima: Oh that's what I thought you said.

As Fatima went back to the door, Zac jumped at her. She felt him doing something behind her, so she turned around and he ran up the stair to Kennedy's room.

Misconduct Tavern:

Later in the afternoon, Zac was sitting at the bar waiting for his friends to meet him for lunch, when a woman came up to him. She was trying to get him to talk to her, but Zac wasn't interested in getting to know her.

Jordan: Did I just see you reject that girl?

Jordan: Did I just see you reject that girl?

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This is Jordan Poole. Jordan is 28 years old. He plays basketball for the Brooklyn Nets. He met Zac and Chase during his sophomore year of college.

Zac: Where the hell did y'all come from?

Jordan: I came from out my mama's womb, but that don't matter. Answer the question.

Zac: Yea she threw me off. Since when do women come up to you asking to buy you a drink.

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