Chapter 11

90 9 11

Ok so this chapter does include blood and a bit of graphic content for a short period of time during this, so if you can't handle those things, I don't recommend reading this bit, or atleast that paragraph :)


"What the fuck man? Let me go!" I shout, letting out a noise similar to a growl as I forcefully pulled myself out of whoever had ahold of me's grasp. He then let's go of me just as I do, causing me to end up flying forward, ultimately resulting in me slicing my arm open on some counter top. I don't let myself wince at the pain.
"What is a girl like you doing out here?" a guy, who is in the right position to be the one that grabbed me, spits. I push myself up, back off the ground immediately and stand my ground.
"It's a public forest asshole, I can go where I please. Besides me and my friend were just leaving before you decided to fucking violate me!" I fire back, looking him right in the eye with nothing but rage. The others have decided to crowd around him, all staring me down.

I can smell the horrid stench that is his breath the second he laughs.

"Oh child, the forest may be open to the public, but this is our territory, and I'm gonna make you regret stepping foot here-" He creeps closer to me, his fist raising in the process, and I can only imagine how much less shit I'd be in if I had my dagger on me.
I feel the need to brace myself, but a loud clang sound delays the attack. I slowly open my eyes and notice a familiar blonde girl stood in front of me, her frying pan raised in front of her face, taking the hit for me.

"What the-" I mutter from behind, impressed to say the least.
"Now, get away from my guide!" She yells before using the frying pan to push the man backwards. Somehow she flung him backwards while barely stumbling herself.
She then turns round to me, smiling in a smug kinda way.
"You looked like you could use a hand," She shrugged, her voice suddenly having a new tone to it. I feel her take the words off my tounge.
"How- What- When- " I fumble over my words as I, for a second, stop recognizing the girl in front of me. She let's out a sweet giggle and I feel a fire burn at my cheeks again...

...But I don't know where the fire came from this time.

I go to say something else, but I'm snapped from my daze when I realise the thuggs are slowly trying to creep up on her, all with manic, hungry looks on their faces.
I ignore her cocky words and scan the walls around, noticing a sword hung up on the wall behind me. In a matter of seconds I've retrieved it, slipped behind Rapunzel again and pointed at the guys chest.

"I swear to god if you dare lay your dirty little hands on her, or so help me, if you even breath her in for a second I'll leave you in nothing but a puddle of blood and guts. Do you understand?" My voice is low and sharp in hopes that additional touch would get my message across. He lowers his hand, but doesn't step back.

The tip of the blade is inches away from his chest, and I'm not afraid and pushing it further.

"Oh no, I'm so scared. Whatever will I do." He mocks, waving his hands up in the air. I grip ahold of the swords handle tighter, trying with all my might not to just slice him now. "I doubt you even know how to use that thing. What are you gonna do? Cook a meal with the thing?" He bursts out into an evil fit of laughter, as do the rest of his stupid little friends, and it doesn't take me long to make up my mind.

"Rapunzel. Get out." I demand without turning away.
"What? But Cass what about yo-?"
"Rapunzel! Get the fuck out!" I can tell the volume and ergency in my voice scared her because she quickly scurried off out the door.

I wasn't planning on being so rude, but I guessed she wouldn't have left otherwise, and I'm not about to let her get traumatised.

Now that I know she's not watching, I very happy strike this guy in the chest, cutting right through his back, and then glide the sword down to his lower stomach. I retract the sword and let him fall backwards, a pool of blood starting to circle him. I look up to the rest of his friends, an evil smile pulling at the side of my lips.

"Does anyone else wanna say anything to me now?" They all back away the minute the words leave my mouth. I laugh. "Let that be a fucking warning to all of you." I then throw up the sword, catch it with ease and they immediately clear a path towards the door. I push open the door, step out and slam it shut behind me.

Pft, amatures.

I spot Rapunzel pacing the other side of the road, facing the floor. Once I get close enough, I fake a cough to get her attention. Her head snaps up the second I do.

"Oh gosh Cass! You're alive! For a second there I thought-" She immediately opens her arms to hug me, but I push out my hand, stopping her.
"Haha, no. I don't do hugs. But yeah, I'm good. And so are you thankfully." I finally sigh with relief, dropping the sword I took onto the grass.
"I am so so sorry! So sorry! I had no idea that would happen! Your right, I should have listened to you and-" Her apologies fall from her lips and I didn't think they'd have ended if she hadn't spotted the blood staining through my long sleeved shirt.

"Cass! Your hurt!" She immediately grabs the lower part of my arm, pulling my closer forcefully, yet carefully, and notices the tear in my shirts fabric, revealing a pretty big and open gash.
"Oh- right. That. Yeah it's no big deal, don't worry." I try to brush off the topic, but she doesn't let me.
"It is a big deal! Look at you! Ok, we need to fix that before you lose to much blood."
"Rapunzel, it's fine. Really I-"
"No Cass. You just saved my life back there, the least I can do in return is heal your wound! And not only that but it's stained your top!" I finally take a properly look at my wound, but still find it hard to be fazed.

"I'm fine. It's no big deal. it'll fix itself on its own. Besides, my shirt is red, from far away, you can't even tell that its-" I go to continue, but her hands on my cheek cut me off. She holds my face in her palms, forcing me to look into her eyes.
"Cassandra. Your hurt. And I'm going to help. I don't care if you think 'it's fine', it's not. And I'm going to help no matter how much you protest against it." the assertiveness in her tone make her hard to ignore. I swallow hard, noticing how warm and soft her hands are against my cheeks while her eyes are locked onto mine.

I can't help but nod.

"Thank you. Now we need to find a quiet place to sit down," She doesn't remove her hands but twists her head around to the side. I don't properly breath until she's taken a few steps away.

We walk back into the forest, resume where we were on our path to corona, and look for a decent place to sit and eventually camp out for the night in along the way.

In the end, we found a fairly large wooden log laying helplessly on the ground, acting as the perfect bench in a pretty private looking area beside a calm lake.

It's no tower, nor any castle, but it's gonna have to do. It'll get dark soon and we need a place to get some rest.

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