Chapter 20

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I'm leaning down on the side of the boat, my finger tips creating small ripples in the dark water below us.
I can just about see my reflection in the liquid, and I can't help but pause, but stay still and finally take everything in.

I'm here. I'm outside. I'm in a boat. I'm minutes away from seeing the lanterns I've dreamt about seeing for years. And I've seen and done things my younger self would never be able to understand, or believe.

After 18 long years shoved up in that tower, where my only idea of the world was a picture out of my window, I'm finally here. I've followed my dream, I pushed and pushed and eventually I made it...

... So, why am I nervous?

"Are you ok? You seem a little... Preoccupied." Her voice seems to snap my out of my thoughts. I bring my hand back inside the boat, and look out on the water, noticing the line between the water and sky is almost invisible.
"I'm ok... I just... I'm just a little nervous, that's all." out of the corner of my eye, I spot her leaning down on the side of the boat also.
"Oh? Why's that? If it's because of the whole water thing yesterday I promise-" I can't help but laugh a little.
"No, no your ok... It's- it's not because of that..."
"Oh... So what are you nervous about?" Her voice sounds smaller, more sympathetic, as she turns her head to face me.

I want to tell her, but I don't think it'll make any sense. I mean, I barely know why I'm so nervous, because what my brain is telling me just sounds stupid. It doesn't sound like a real problem I should have.

I'm so confused...

"I just... I have dreamt about seeing these lanterns in person for years!" I begin, trying to aline my words right in my head before I let them go. "But... What's if it's not... What if it's not everything I dreamed it would be?" I ask, feeling the burden lift from my tounge finally.
"I'm sure it will be." She confirms, I turn my head.
"And what if it is... What do I do then?" I don't think she was expecting that, she turned her focus onto the water and took a minute too think.
"I guess... I guess then you get to find a new dream." Was what she said.
"Yeah I- that makes sense..." I breath, understanding what she meant.

I guess the only thing you can do once you've achieved your current dream, is to find another to chase after, to give yourself a new goal to achieve.
I suppose that's what you continue to do, everytime one comes and goes, another surely isn't far behind.

It makes sense.

"Thank you... I really appreciate everything you've done for me... You didn't have to do any of it," My hand slowly slides across the wood, my pinky wrapping around hers. "I'm... I'm lucky to have someone like you that I can trust."
"It's nothing, really Raps, I was just-" I noticed my gesture shook her slightly, but I'm happy she didn't pull away.
"No. Cass. Saving my life, on multiple occasions, isn't nothing, or it shouldn't be. You had to save me from others, and myself, more than you should have. And for some reason... You're still here... With me..? Even though you've had plenty of chances to leave-" I felt the moment get the better of my, causing my cheek to dampen. I try to laugh it off, saying how 'I have no idea why I'm crying', but she could clearly see right through me. I was expecting her to not believe me...

... But what I wasn't expecting was what she did after she realised...

Out of habit, my arms wrapped around me, causing me to get squashed by the pressure of my own hold, but while I'm trying to hide my emotions, not wanting to ruin the beauty of the moment, I'm thrown off by a second pair of arms wrapping around me.

I slowly drop my arms but am... I'm still being held?

I was first aware of the strange warmth she seemed to radiate, making me feel as though she wrapped some blanket over my shoulders, but in a more... Protective way. Almost like, the blanket was keeping my pieces in place while her touched was the glue that was resticking things I didn't know where broken.
And her scent, which I'm only know realising is a mixture of soft floral smells, one's I can't name but suddenly want to, is something that jumps out to me the minute I smell it. The floral smell of her neck mixed with the natural scent of the salt water and night air seems to mark itself in my brain...

... Something tells me the smell is gonna stick with me...

I nestle my head closer to her, hugging her back while practically burying myself in her top, still feeling an addiction to the fabric and comforting smell of her.

It's funny how you never realise how much you need a real hug until you finally receive one...

And I know it's real because I wanted to freeze the moment for evermore... Fixing myself in her embrace for as long as I live, refusing to remove myself until the universe physically pulls us apart...

.... Is that... Is that too much?

"Thank you..." I mumble into her top. By the way her hands softly brushed up and down my back, I somehow know she took everything I wanted to give with that simple phrase.

I'm thankful for so much, for too much, for things that words can't even begin to express.

"Thank you, too." She whispers back, passing back the invisible torch, but I push it back into her hands.
"Thank you more..."

Eventually, we have to pull apart, and even though the blanket was right across my shoulders, I could still feel it, and it's warmth, weren't to far away... Because she wasn't far...

We share a look, one with new emotions, one that gave off a completely different message, and yet the exact same one I've been sent the entire time I've been with her. I can't explain it, but it was such a comforting different.

But the moment soon passed when she moved her focus onto the sky...

"Raps... Look!" her arm lifts and her fingers points directly behind me, her eyes reflecting some kind of golden, mystic glow that I can only assume is coming from whatever she's trying to show me. Curiously, I slowly turn my head around, looking from whatever it was...

... And then I saw them.

I saw thousands of rounded rectangular lanterns slowly rise into the sky, spreading themselves out and lighting up the sky, making it look like It had started raining pure light.

I couldn't help myself, I jump from my seat, throw myself to the end of the boat and stand tall, gripping onto the end of the boat for support, and take in a deep breath...

... Making sure nothing about this moment is wasted, or forgotten.

I refuse to let a single slither of this moment go unnoticed.

The lanterns make their way from the island, out into the real world gradually, taking their time as they dance together in the soft evening breeze, their small, burning flames inside fueling their every movement.

It's... It's everything I've ever wanted it to be, everything I ever wanted too see.

I had no need to be so nervous... This is nothing but perfection!

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