are you drunk? (cont.)

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Wanted to make a part two since that was a bit short and there's still potential for stuff to happen. :))

word count: 550

You woke up with Olivia still cuddled up against you, still sound asleep while you smiled at the sight. You then slowly reached for your phone to check your notifications, not wanting to wake her but she ended up doing so anyway.

Olivia groaned as she shifted her position and sat up, laying her head in your shoulder while she yawned. " What time is it? " she mumbled groggily as you check the time on your phone. " 11:34. " You mumbled, rubbing your eyes.

" God, I feel awful. " She groaned just before a sick sounding sniffle.

" You're probably hung over. " You told her as you put your phone back on the night stand. " Yeah, I should've toned it down on the shots last night. " Olivia said with soft giggle.

" Maybe. " You said with a smile back at her, yawning afterwards. " Do you remember all that happened? " You asked with slight concern.

" Yeah a little. It's all kind of hazy though. " She mumbled back while she fidgeted with the hoodie string. You forgot she was wearing your hoodie till you glanced down at it and smiled. " Well, you said you loved me.." You reminded, hoping she meant it in the way you thought she did.

" Oh yeah, I think I remember that. " Olivia said while her cheeks turned a light pink in response. You smiled and sighed, getting ready to confess the heavy weight on your chest. " Okay, Olivia we've been friends for while now so I just wanted to tell you that I- " You began to say before she pulled you in to a gentle kiss, holding your cheeks.

Olivia then softly pulled away. " I like you too Y/n. I have for a while now. I was just afraid you never felt the same. " She told you with a bright grin while she pulled her hands from your cheeks, avoiding eye contact.

You brightly smiled too and pulled her in for a tight hug. She hugged back before pulling away again to look at your lips. You smiled, taking the hint and gently placed your lips onto hers while slowly making the kiss more passionate.

You then both pulled away for a breath. Olivia smiled softly before her head started to pain her. She groaned softly in pain, leaving you unsure of what was wrong. " What is it? " You asked her with your voice filled with concern as you cupped her cheek to comfort her.

" My head is killing me.. " Olivia complained but you didn't mind at all and immediately got up to get her some pain killers. You returned with two pills in your hand and handed them to her with a glass of water. " Thanks Y/n. " She muttered before taking them and drinking some of the water.

" Of course. " You smiled as you watched her take the two pills. She sniffled as you sat back down beside her. She then scooted closer to you and lied her head onto your shoulder. You put your arm around the brunette and smiled to yourself. " I love you Liv. "

" I love you too Y/n. " Olivia quietly mumbled back as she put an arm around your waist.

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