More Than Meets the Eye

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We all fell silent, each of us wearing a smile. We continued walking through the woods, until the groan of a walker could be heard very close by. We all froze in our steps and looked around, seeing it as it stumbled through a few of the trees. Clem and I walked over to a tree and hid behind it—watching the walker carefully. There was a cart nearby, and more walkers around James' camp. We each pulled out our knives and crept closer to the tree that I laid on a few weeks before when I got shot. There was no sign of James anywhere.

"I don't see James, just monsters," AJ said and looked at us.

"He has to be here somewhere," I said softly. I heard movement behind us. "And there he is, on que."

We each turned around, and Clem almost stabbed him on accident. We cautiously stood as he looked at us and put our knives away.

"James?" Clem asked softly.

James didn't say a word as he raised a finger to his lips, telling us we had to be quiet before he rubbed his arm. It had a bandage wrapped around it and a small red stain on it.

"You're hurt," AJ said softly.

James stayed quiet before he came over and stood on the other side of Clem, and we all crouched down. We stayed behind the log as we watched the walkers that roamed his camp.

"Did the raiders do this?" Clem asked him softly.

"I'm guessing that cart belonged to them," I nodded over at it, staying quiet.

"It looked like they...had people from your school," James said softly. "Why are you here?"

"We were looking for you," I said softly and turned to him. "I know you have a strong connection to walkers, and view them almost as if they're still people...but we need you to use them to help us."

"Yeah. Those people you saw, we're going to save them," Clem said with a nod.

"I could...maybe, help, mask is still in the camp. Inside my bag," James said softly—he was almost hesitant. "I can't pass through a herd without it."

Clem pulled out her knife again. "Okay. Let's go get it," she said and looked at James.

"Please, I just...I just ask that you don't kill them. The walkers," James begged. "If you distract them, I can sneak over and find my mask."

"Got it," I said with a nod, willing to spare the walkers.

"Distract all of them?" AJ asked.

"Please. Just follow Y/N's lead," James said and we gave each other a nod.

"I'll—I'll try," Clem said softly and looked at me.

James crept away while Clem, AJ, and I came out from hiding as James took cover again so he wouldn't get spotted.

"Just take out their knees," I said to Clem. "But don't stab them. We need him to trust us or else it'll be a thousand times harder saving everyone."

"Got it," Clem said with a nod.

Walkers hobbled towards us and I bated a few of them, running around and only taking out their knees when they got too close. Clem took out their knees as well and backed away so she'd avoid their grasp, and I continued to doge through trees and around the walkers. More and more swarmed the area, and it was getting harder for me to avoid a few walkers. I ended up climbing a tree and shouting down at the walkers.

"Hey uglies! Up here!" I called, keeping their attention as I looked over and saw Clem talking to James. "You there, in the dirty blue shirt—you look mighty decayed! That look suits you very well!"

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